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ode45 too many input arguments

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Opariuc Andrei
Opariuc Andrei il 10 Dic 2020
Commentato: Star Strider il 11 Dic 2020
so i got a function which i did as home work a few days ago tested it ,it ran ,now it doesn't want to run anymore i don't know how to fix it ,because i want to do a few more examples of ode45 and i get same error . The files have not been opened/modified since i wrote/tested them .
the function (which is saved correctly)
function dy=ec1L10(x,y)
and the script
[x y]=ode45('ec1L10',0:0.25:4,2);
plot(x,y);grid on ; axis tight;

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 10 Dic 2020
To use your original construction, the single quotes are no longer acceptable..
[x y]=ode45(@ec1L10,0:0.25:4,2);
would work.
However ‘ec1L10’ can be written as an anonymous function:
ec1L10 = @(x,y) 4*exp(0.8*x)-0.5*y;
so the rest of that code becomes:
[x y]=ode45(ec1L10,0:0.25:4,2);
grid on
axis tight
  4 Commenti
Opariuc Andrei
Opariuc Andrei il 10 Dic 2020
Modificato: Opariuc Andrei il 11 Dic 2020
thx ,you saved me .I wanna buy you a beer :)
Star Strider
Star Strider il 11 Dic 2020
As always, my pleasure!
Thank you! Maybe some day ...

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Più risposte (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 10 Dic 2020
Let's check if you're using the ode45 function included in MATLAB. What does this function show? It should show just one function inside the toolbox/matlab/funfun subdirectory under matlabroot.
which -all ode45
  3 Commenti
Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 11 Dic 2020
Rename or remove D:\Matlab saves\ode45.m.
Opariuc Andrei
Opariuc Andrei il 11 Dic 2020
i removed and all my ode45 work fine . thx :)

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