Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

App Designer Time-Steps and Velocity data from excel for motor control

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I read datas from a excel file: x-column is "time" and y-column is "velocity" and plot them. Everything is ok.
e.g. Start:
0s 0prm
20s 200rpm
40s 250rpm
80s 300prm
Now I would like to give my motor control the new velocity after the time is over depends on my table data. Maybe you know an advice how I can do it? Thanks a lot
t = readtable("Daten.xlsx","Sheet",2);
x = table2array(t(:,1));
y = table2array(t(:,3));
  3 Commenti
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 3 Gen 2021
@Chris are you asking how to add data to the table or how to extrapolate a velocity estimate given a future time?
If your goal is to do the latter, you'll need to provide more info about how you expect the velocity to change. For example, if you expect a simple logrithmic growth (for demo purposes only),
x = [0 20 40 80];
y = [0 200 250 300];
hold on
grid on
z = lsqcurvefit(@(p,xdata)p(1)+p(2).*log(xdata),[0,1],x(2:end)',y(2:end)');
Local minimum found. Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than the value of the optimality tolerance.
newX = 5:100;
newY = z(1)+z(2).*log(newX);
plot(newX, newY, 'k--','DisplayName','Fit')
Chris il 7 Gen 2021
Hey Adam Danz, thanks for your interesting idea.
But the task is different. I will put the Link here, we already try to solve the problem:

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