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how to convert picturs into matrix

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
krak il 23 Apr 2013
Dear readers, I am new in matlab and I would want to know how to convert an image in a matrix of columns? Or to convert the matrix square in matrix column?
  4 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 23 Apr 2013
Clear? Not really. You accepted the answer below though, so we assume you are done. I never did figure out how you able to perform image segmentation on the image before you even had the image in MATLAB as a 2D image array, but whatever.... Jan's code tells you how to convert the 2D grayscale image or 3D color image into a 1D column vector, though I don't know how or why that would be useful to you. If you have any questions on image segmentation, see my image segmentation tutorial:
krak il 2 Mag 2013
Thank you! I use matlab to make a program of Hand Gesture Recognition Using Neural Networks (just the alpahbet)! I am not expert matlab thus I try I have to make a program that he can recognize the signs of the hearing-impaired people! Thank you and I hope to find of the help

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Chandrasekhar il 23 Apr 2013
use the command imread('img.jpg'). This will convert the image into a matrix

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