Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

how to deblur an image?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
jagannath mishra
jagannath mishra il 9 Mag 2013
sir,i have an image and pass it through the Gaussian low pass filtering(fft2). As an output i got an image which is very much how can i remove this blurring effect from my image.i have used the "Deblurring Images Using a Regularized Filter", which is given in "demo of the matlab" but the output is not correct. Please tell me the code for deblurring the image.
This is the original :,
This is the filtered
and this is the output after debluring it:

Risposte (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 9 Mag 2013
Nevermind (yet) about deblurring - you don't even have the blurred version correct. However without your code, I can't do much, and I don't want to go searching through dozens of demos to try to figure out which one you used.
  1 Commento
jagannath mishra
jagannath mishra il 10 Mag 2013
Modificato: jagannath mishra il 10 Mag 2013
% code
close all
clear all
%im=imresize(im,[300 300]);
imf= fftshift(fft2(im));
out = zeros(co,ro);
cx = round(co/2);
cy = round(ro/2);
H = zeros(co,ro);
%H=imresize(H,[200 200]);
for i = 1 : co
for j = 1 : ro
d = (i-cx).^2 + (j-cy).^2;
H(i,j) = exp(-d/2/fc/fc);
outf= imf.*H;
title('original image');
%title('gaussian lowpass filtered image');
title('2D view of H');
%surf (H),title('3d view of H')
%debluring starts from here%
PSF=fspecial('gaussian',11,5);%point spread function%
[reg1 LAGRA]=deconvreg(out,PSF);
title('deblured image');
this is the entire code i used for lpf and debluring.please correct me if i was wrong.thanks in advance."fc" can be taken as convinience

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Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson il 10 Mag 2013
Modificato: Bjorn Gustavsson il 10 Mag 2013
  1. You've forgotten an fftshift - that should be done once more.
  2. The widths of your filter and PSF should match (in a perfect world) or preferably the PSF you deblur with should be a bit narrower than the PSF of the filter (you have to work out how they are related and how to fix that.)
  3. Pure deconvolution is a process that will amplify noise - that's why you have all these damping terms and more complex methods. If you try to deconvolve with a wider PSF than what you used in the filter then this will be very difficult to avoid.
  3 Commenti
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson il 10 Mag 2013
  1. Step through your code line by line, make sure you understand why you did the fftshift where you did it, then you'll be able to see where you should do the ifftshift rather naturally.
  2. The PSF and the filter-kernel in the fourier domain are an Fourier transform pair.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 10 Mag 2013
Did you get it solved yet? I was going to take a look at it but it's been so long that I suspect you've already solved it and I don't want to waste my time.

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