Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to change array elements?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Alex il 22 Mag 2013
Commentato: ofek berdah il 24 Mar 2021
I'm making a tic-tac-toe game and wish to display a 3x3 array with "X"s "O"s and spaces from an array the has -1's 1's and 0's from inputs, how would I go about doing that? I want to basically convert and input matrix to a display matrix

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David Sanchez
David Sanchez il 22 Mag 2013
I hope the following code is of help:
% example matrix
M=[-1 1 0;
1 0 -1;
0 0 1];
D_1_ = find(M==-1);
D_0 = find(M==0);
D_1 = find(M==1);
D(D_0) = 'O';
D(D_1) = 'X';
D(D_1_) = ' ';
F = [D(1:3);D(4:6);D(7:9)]';
% to display spaces, use horizcat
for col = 1:3
for row = 1:3
N{col,row} = horzcat(F(col,row),' ');
  2 Commenti
Alex il 22 Mag 2013
Thankyou :)
ofek berdah
ofek berdah il 24 Mar 2021
What does it mean cell?

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