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Question about signal value record, percentage drop detection and control action trigger

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi there,
I am using Simulink to build up a control box to control the dynamic mechanical model built up in a specialized software X. During simulation, a continuous signal A from X will be feed into the simulink control box. I would like to let the control box continuously monitor and detect the maximum peak of the signal A (in order to active control).
When the maximum peak of continuous signal A from software X is detected,I would like the control box to record the maximum A value,and at the same time to record the value of another continuous signal B from software X; then the control box continuously monitors signal A until the A value drops to a certain percentage(lets say 10%,user defined)of the previously detected maximum peak value; the control action is actived to control the continuous signal B to reach the previously recorded B value.
Could anyone please give some advises about which function blocks I should use to achieve the peak max A value and B value record; the percentage drop detection of A value; and the control action trigger.
Many thanks for your help.

Risposte (1)

Jeff il 28 Mag 2013
I would like to ask the same question about the percentage drop detection.


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