how can I Compute the value of d for the following values of x , Outcome equation d=((34.63/x)-5.126)/2.54

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Is my code right i am beginner in matlab.
for x=[0.1000,0.1500,0.2000]
else d=((34.63/x)-5.126)/2.54
disp ("ANSWER")

Risposte (2)

DGM il 15 Apr 2021
Modificato: DGM il 15 Apr 2021
I have no idea what that code is intended to do, but if you just want to evaluate the expression all x:
I guess if you're trying to get it to display formatted results to console, you could do that as well.
for l=1:numel(x)
  7 Commenti
Hamada Alkhlif
Hamada Alkhlif il 15 Apr 2021
Modificato: Hamada Alkhlif il 15 Apr 2021
actually iam getting the answer right but it look deferent .
answer after submitte above code :
>> Untitled3
0.1 134.32
answer =
0.1000 134.3205
0.1500 88.8743
0.2000 66.1512
0.15 88.8743
answer =
0.1000 134.3205
0.1500 88.8743
0.2000 66.1512
0.2 66.1512
answer =
0.1000 134.3205
0.1500 88.8743
0.2000 66.1512
i just want the code to give 1 answer like this
answer =
0.1000 134.3205
0.1500 88.8743
0.2000 66.1512
how can i modify the last code @DGM ?
Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 15 Apr 2021
Every time this line of code executes:
answer=[x' d']
it assigns a value to the variable named answer then displays the contents of that variable. If you just want to assign a value to the variable but not display it, end the line of code with a semicolon.
answer=[x' d'];
Then if you want to display it at the end of the code you can.
disp(answer) % or just plain

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VBBV il 15 Apr 2021
Modificato: VBBV il 15 Apr 2021
d = [];
for x=[0.1000,0.1500,0.2000]
d=[d ((34.63/x)-5.126)/2.54];
disp ("ANSWER");
x=[0.1000 0.1500 0.2000];
  2 Commenti
Hamada Alkhlif
Hamada Alkhlif il 15 Apr 2021
this is almost the wanted code just is that the x values not in 4 decimals and it the code out put display 3 words of answers ,it required only one .
VBBV il 15 Apr 2021
Modificato: VBBV il 15 Apr 2021
d = [];
for x=[0.1000,0.1500,0.2000]
d=[d ((34.63/x)-5.126)/2.54];
disp ("ANSWER");
x=[0.1000 0.1500 0.2000];
Try this

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