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How to get pointer location as grid point of an axes in matlab guide?

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
In MATLAB GUIDE, i have a application to place a imgae object on the exact grid point loaction of an axes.
I have a solution to place the object on random loaction on the axes through getting the pointer location from the command " get(0,'PointerLocation')".
For the current application, the pointer location need to be exact grid point of the axes.
Suggest me a solution.
  5 Commenti
Vinothkumar Sethurasu
Vinothkumar Sethurasu il 20 Mag 2021
Modificato: Jan il 21 Mag 2021
>>The grid mesh prepared on create function with these commands.
xlim([0 1]);
ylim([0 0.5]);
set(gca,'Xtick', 0:0.01:1);
set(gca,'Ytick', 0:0.0355:0.5);
>> The blue star is the image object need to be placed on the grid point. the image object is created by buttondown function with these commands,
handles.componentAxis(end)=axes('parent',handles.Sketch_window, ...
'position',[alpha-0.05 beta-0.04 0.1 0.1]);
matlabImage = imread('D:\Vinoth\star.png');
the alpha & beta values will be calculated from getting the pointer location from - get(0,'PointerLocation') command.
Now, i need to pick the exact grid intersection point to place the star image in a particular interval from the pre-specified grid mesh.

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Jan il 21 Mag 2021
Modificato: Jan il 21 Mag 2021
It is hard to convert the global mouse position on the screen to a position in the axes. Therefore get(0,'PointerLocation') is not useful. The axes contain a 'CurrentPoint' property already, which can be used directly.
I do not understand, why or where you create new axes objects.
what about this example:
function [] = kkkj
AxesH = axes('XLim', [0 1], 'YLim', [0 0.5], ...
'Xtick', 0:0.01:1, 'Ytick', 0:0.0355:0.5, ...
'XGrid', 'on', 'YGrid', 'on', ...
'NextPlot', 'add', ... % as: hold on
'ButtonDownFcn', @myAxesClick);
function myAxesClick(AxesH, EventData)
P = get(AxesH, 'CurrentPoint'); % Mouse click position in Axes
XTick = get(AxesH, 'XTick'); % X and Y grid
YTick = get(AxesH, 'YTick');
[~, xm] = min(abs(P(1, 1) - XTick)); % Find nearest X and Y grid point
X = XTick(xm);
[~, ym] = min(abs(P(1, 2) - YTick));
Y = YTick(ym);
plot(X, Y, 'pb', 'MarkerSize', 20); % Plot a star
  3 Commenti
Jan il 21 Mag 2021
interp1 is not implemented efficiently. This is not a problem, if the code involves a GUI interaction with a user, because waiting for the mouse click is still the bottleneck.

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