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how do i submit an assignment on MATLAB

9 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Makar il 21 Set 2013
Commentato: Ammar Mohammed il 27 Feb 2021
the assignment is due soon and i have no idea how to submit the work in

Risposte (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 21 Set 2013
Your instructor would have information on how to submit your assignment to him or her for grading. If you want assistance, hints, or guidance, but not outright answers or solutions, then read this:
  1 Commento
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 21 Set 2013
To emphasize further: This forum is not the place to submit assignments to be graded. Your instructor might never have even heard of the forum. The forum might never have heard of your instructor.

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Ammar Mohammed
Ammar Mohammed il 27 Feb 2021
Modificato: Ammar Mohammed il 27 Feb 2021
this posts is still not answerd, 7 YEARS later!
simply you need to publish, check this page
  2 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 27 Feb 2021
I answered it.
Many universities have automated grading systems where you paste in, or attach, your code and then they run a series of calls to your code with different inputs. I know because my son did that in college. Publishing the code will not help in those cases where the code needs to be uploaded to the automated grading sytem set up by the professor. But maybe it would be okay if you had to hand in a paper printout.
Ammar Mohammed
Ammar Mohammed il 27 Feb 2021
@Image Analyst thanks for helping for all these years!
yeah we dont have an automated grading system, shouldn't have assumed all classes follow same structure as ours. sorry, didn't want to sound mean :[

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