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  • Narayanaswamy P.R. Iyer
  • Provides Simulink models for various PWM techniques used for inverters
  • Presents vector and direct torque control of inverter-fed AC drives and fuzzy logic control of converter-fed AC drives
  • Includes examples, case studies, source codes of models, and model projects from all the chapters.
About this book
Successful development of power electronic converters and converter-fed electric drives involves system modeling, analyzing the output voltage, current, electromagnetic torque, and machine speed, and making necessary design changes before hardware implementation. Inverters and AC Drives: Control, Modeling, and Simulation Using Simulink offers readers Simulink models for single, multi-triangle carrier, selective harmonic elimination, and space vector PWM techniques for three-phase two-level, multi-level (including modular multi-level), Z-source, Quasi Z-source, switched inductor, switched capacitor and diode assisted extended boost inverters, six-step inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), brushless DC motor (BLDCM) and induction motor (IM) drives, vector-controlled PMSM, IM drives, direct torque-controlled inverter-fed IM drives, and fuzzy logic controlled converter-fed AC drives with several examples and case studies. Appendices in the book include source codes for all relevant models, model projects, and answers to selected model projects from all chapters. 
This textbook will be a valuable resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in electrical and electronics engineering, power electronics, and AC drives. It is also a hands-on reference for practicing engineers and researchers in these areas.
I want to share a new book "Introduction to Digital Control - An Integrated Approach, Springer, 2024" available through
This textbook presents an integrated approach to digital (discrete-time) control systems covering analysis, design, simulation, and real-time implementation through relevant hardware and software platforms. Topics related to discrete-time control systems include z-transform, inverse z-transform, sampling and reconstruction, open- and closed-loop system characteristics, steady-state accuracy for different system types and input functions, stability analysis in z-domain-Jury’s test, bilinear transformation from z- to w-domain, stability analysis in w-domain- Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root locus techniques in z-domain, frequency domain analysis in w-domain, control system specifications in time- and frequency- domains, design of controllers – PI, PD, PID, phase-lag, phase-lead, phase-lag-lead using time- and frequency-domain specifications, state-space methods- controllability and observability, pole placement controllers, design of observers (estimators) - full-order prediction, reduced-order, and current observers, system identification, optimal control- linear quadratic regulator (LQR), linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) estimator (Kalman filter), implementation of controllers, and laboratory experiments for validation of analysis and design techniques on real laboratory scale hardware modules. Both single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems are covered. Software platform of MATLAB/Simlink is used for analysis, design, and simulation and hardware/software platforms of National Instruments (NI)/LabVIEW are used for implementation and validation of analysis and design of digital control systems. Demonstrating the use of an integrated approach to cover interdisciplinary topics of digital control, emphasizing theoretical background, validation through analysis, simulation, and implementation in physical laboratory experiments, the book is ideal for students of engineering and applied science across in a range of concentrations.
I am excited to share my new book "Introduction to Mechatronics - An Integrated Approach, Springer, 2023" available through
This textbook presents mechatronics through an integrated approach covering instrumentation, circuits and electronics, computer-based data acquisition and analysis, analog and digital signal processing, sensors, actuators, digital logic circuits, microcontroller programming and interfacing. The use of computer programming is emphasized throughout the text, and includes MATLAB for system modeling, simulation, and analysis; LabVIEW for data acquisition and signal processing; and C++ for Arduino-based microcontroller programming and interfacing. The book provides numerous examples along with appropriate program codes, for simulation and analysis, that are discussed in detail to illustrate the concepts covered in each section. The book also includes the illustration of theoretical concepts through the virtual simulation platform Tinkercad to provide students virtual lab experience.
Ultima attività il 14 Gen 2025

I had originally planned on publishing my book via a traditional publisher, but am now reconsidering whether to use I use Matlab and Latex in my book. It appears that it is not possible to publish is with Amazon due to this. Advice? Thanks. Kevin Passino
Hi everyone
The R2025a pre-release is now available to licensed users. I highly encourage you to download, give it a try and give us some feedback.
The first thing I tried was switching to Dark mode. Here's the magic
>> s = settings;
>> s.matlab.appearance.MATLABTheme.PersonalValue = "Dark";
The Most Accepted Badge and Top Downloads Badge are two prestigious annual honors that recognize outstanding contributions in MATLAB Answers and File Exchange.
Most Accepted badge is awarded to the top 10 contributors whose answers received the most acceptances. Top Downloads badge goes to the top 10 contributors with the highest number of downloads for their submissions. Please note that, starting in 2025, the criteria for Top Downloaded Badge in will be adjusted to only count downloads from files created or updated in 2025.
In 2024, the recipients for Most Accepted are: @Voss, @Walter Roberson, @Star Strider, @Torsten, @Matt J, @Stephen23, @Steven Lord, @Hassaan, @Sam Chak, and @Cris LaPierre.
Congratulations and thank you again for your outstanding contributions in 2024!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
Ultima attività il 24 Dic 2024

Attaching the Photoshop file if you want to modify the caption.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz
Ultima attività il 20 Dic 2024

Check out this 3D chart that won Visual Of The Year for 2024 by Visual Capitalist. It's a mashup between a 3D bubblechart and a categorical bar plot yet the only graphical components are the x-axis labels and the legend. Not only does it show relative proportions of material in a laptop but it also shows what the raw material looks like.
I love the idea of analog data visualization. I wonder if any readers have made a analog "chart".
Peter Fryscak
Peter Fryscak
Ultima attività il 31 Dic 2024

What better way to add a little holiday magic than the L-shaped membrane atop your evergreen? My colleagues output the shape and then added some thickness and an interior cylinder in Blender. Then, the shape was exported to STL and 3D printed (in several pieces). Then glued, sanded, primed, sanded again and painted. If you like, the STL file is attached. Thank you to and a tip of the hat to MATLAB Ornament. Happy Holidays!
The MATLAB Online Training Suite has been updated in the areas of Deep Learning and traditional Machine Learning! These are great self-paced courses that can get you from zero to hero pretty quickly.
Deep Learning Onramp (Free to everyone!) has been updated to use the dlnetwork workflow, such as the trainnet function, which became the preferred method for creating and training deep networks in R2024a.
Machine Learning Onramp (Free to everyone) has been updated with the following enhancements:
  • Content streamlined to reduce the focus on data processing and feature extraction, and emphasize the machine learning workflow.
  • Course example simplified by using a sample of the original data.
  • Classification Learner used in the course where appropriate.
The rest of the updates are for subscribers to the full Online Training Suite
The Deep Learning Techniques in MATLAB for Image Applications learning path teaches skills to tackle a variety of image applications. It is made up of the following four short courses:
Two more deep learning short courses are also available:
The Machine Learning Techniques in MATLAB learning path helps learners build their traditional machine learning skill set:
I'm beginning this MATLAB-based numerical methods class, and as I was thinking back to my previous MATLAB/Simulink classes, I definitely remember some projects more fondly than others. One of my most memorable was where I had to use MATLAB to analyze electrocardiogram (ECG) peaks. What about you guys? What are some of the best (or worst 🤭) MATLAB projects or assignments you've been given in the past?
Watt's Up with Electric Vehicles?EV modeling Ecosystem (Eco-friendly Vehicles), V2V Communication and V2I communications thereby emitting zero Emissions to considerably reduce NOx ,Particulates matters,CO2 given that Combustion is always incomplete and will always be.
Reduction of gas emissions outside to the environment will improve human life span ,few epidemic diseases and will result in long life standard
Always and almost immediately!
After validating existing code
Y'all get the new releases?
1843 voti
Mike Croucher
Mike Croucher
Ultima attività il 6 Dic 2024

Many of my best friends at MathWorks speak Spanish as their first language and we have a large community of Spanish-speaking users. You can see good evidence of this by checking out our relatively new Spanish YouTube channel which recently crossed the 10,000 subscriber mark
Mike Croucher
Mike Croucher
Ultima attività il 13 Dic 2024

I've always used MATLAB with other languages. In the early days, C and C++ via mex files were the most common ways I spliced two languages together. Other than that I've also used MATLAB with Java, Excel and even Fortran.
In more recent years, Python is the language I tend to use most alongside MATLAB and support for this combination is steadily improving. In my latest blog post, I show how easy it has become to use Python's Numpy with MATLAB.
Have you used this functionality much? If so, what for? How well did it work for you?
I am inspired by the latest video from YouTube science content creator Veritasium on his distinct yet thorough explanation on how rainbows work. In his video, he set up a glass sphere experiment representing how light rays would travel inside a raindrop that ultimately forms the rainbow. I highly recommend checking it out.
In the meantime, I created an interactive MATLAB App in MATLAB Online using App Designer to visualize the light paths going through a spherical raindrop with numerical calculations along the way. While I've seen many diagrams out there showing the light paths, I haven't found any doing calculations in each step. Hence I created an app in MATLAB to show the calculations along with the visualizations as one varies the position of the incoming light ray.
Demo video:
For more information about the app and how to open it and play around with it in MATLAB Online, please check out my blog article:
Our MathWorks Usability Team is working on an accessibility project and they want to interview people who use MATLAB and also have experience with screen readers.
If you fit the criteria and are interested, sign up here
I wish I knew more about the intended evolution of the capabilities of the function arguments block. I love implementing function syntaxes using this relatively new form, but it doesn't yet handle some function syntax design patterns that I think are valuable and worth keeping.
For example, some functions take an input quantity that can something numeric, or it can be an option string that descriptively names a particular value of that quantity. One example is dateshift(t,"dayofweek",dow), where dow can be an integer from 1 to 7, or it can be one of the option strings "weekday" or "weekend".
Another example is Image Processing Toolbox that take a connectivity specifier as input. The function bwconncomp is one particular case. Connectivity can be specified using certain scalars, certain arrays, or the option string "maximal".
I think this is a worthwhile function design pattern, but I don't think the arguments block validation functionality supports it well (unless you use a lot of extra code that duplicates standard MATLAB behavior, which undermines the value of the arguments block).
I posted about this today over on my blog. See "Function Syntax Design Conundrum."
MathWorkers - believe me, I know that it is not in your DNA to discuss future features. But would anyone care to offer a hint about directions for the arguments block functionality?
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