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MATLAB Central has been great community-based MATLAB resources, but you can now access its content programmatically via the public API, and I created a MATLAB function to take advantage of that. You can learn more here
data = searchMATLABCentral("plotting",scope="matlab-answers",sort_order="created desc",created_after=datetime("2023-01-01"));
T = struct2table(data.items);

function results = searchMATLABCentral(query,options)
% SEARCGMATLABCENTRAL retrieves content of the MATLAB Central for a given
% query and returns the result as a struct.
% The function uses MathWorks RESTful API to search for content.
% The API is rate limited via IP throttling. No authentication is required.
% See API documentation for more details
% Input Arguments:
% query (string) - Required. The search query string.
% scope (string) - Optional. Specify the artifact. If not specified,
% the scope defaults to 'matlab-answers'.
% Other options include 'file-exchange','blogs','cody',
% 'community-highlights', and 'community-contests'.
% tags (string) - Optional. Specify a comma-separated list of tags.
% created_before (datetime) - Optional. Specify the last date in the results
% created_after (datetime) - Optional. Specify the first date in the results
% sort_order (string) - Optional. Speficy the order of the results.
% If not specified, it defaults to "relevance desc".
% Other options include 'created asc', 'created desc',
% 'updated asc','updated desc', 'relevance asc',
% and 'relevance desc'.
% page (integer) - Optional. Specify the page to retrieve.
% If the 'has_more' field in the result is positive,
% increment this argument to retrieve the next page.
% count (integer) - Optional. Specify the number of results as a value
% between 1 and 50; The default is 10.
% Output Arguments:
% results (struct) - Structure array containing the results of the search.
% validate input arguments
query string {mustBeNonzeroLengthText,mustBeTextScalar}
options.scope string {mustBeMember(options.scope,["matlab-answers", ...
"file-exchange","blogs","cody","community-highlights", ...
"community-contests"])} = "matlab-answers";
options.tags string {mustBeNonzeroLengthText,mustBeVector}
options.created_before (1,1) datetime
options.created_after (1,1) datetime
options.sort_order string {mustBeMember(options.sort_order,["created asc", ...
"created desc","updated asc","updated desc","relevance asc","relevance desc"])} double {mustBeInteger,mustBeGreaterThan(,0)}
options.count double {mustBeInteger,mustBeInRange(options.count,1,50)}
% API URL and endpoint
url = "";
endpoint = "/v1/search";
% convert MATLAB datetime to the internet datetime format string
if isfield(options,"created_before")
options.created_before = string(options.created_before,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
if isfield(options,"created_after")
options.created_after = string(options.created_after,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
% convert optional inputs into a cell array of key-value pairs
keys = fieldnames(options);
vals = struct2cell(options);
params = [keys,vals].';
% call the API
results = webread(url+endpoint,"query",query,params{:});
catch ME
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