
Suze Zhang


Last seen: 2 giorni fa Attivo dal 2017

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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How to get TI F28335 working in Simulinks 'external mode'?
Hi Martin, Noticing from this line of the error message you posted: Available memory ranges: RAML4L7 size: 0x400...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

¿Why do I get a compilation error when building Quadrocopter example?
Hi Jon, Maybe try to delete the contents of the "work" folder found in MATLAB Current Directory, then re-build the Simulink m...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

NMAKE : fatal error U1052: file '' not found
Hi Alex, One thing that you may try is to set the environment variable VSCMD_START_DIR in MATLAB. To do so, you can execute t...

quasi 7 anni fa | 7

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Optic FLow only on interest points
Hi Kowshik, Here is a function from MATLAB File Exchange that computes optical flow with options to specify a region of inter...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

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Data Log Simulink Arduino Uno
Hi Giorgio, Instead of using the "To Workspace" block, you can use "To File" block and store the data in a MAT-file. <http...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

Nonlinear spring stiffness in Cartesian joint for Simscape Multibody Second generation
Hi Robin, Here is an example of a nonlinear spring block, however, it is modeled using Simscape language instead of using the...

quasi 7 anni fa | 1

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How to get Complex sound field representation from real pressure signals
Hi Benoit, I agree with the comment Star posted above using function "fft". Here is also another link to an example performin...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

How to Select a Simulink Line Programmically
Hi Vincent, Using function "get_param" allows you to select a block or the signal line. The link below to Documentation page ...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

How can I resolve the firmware update failure for Parrot Minidrone?
Hi Nicholas, The following link gives several ways to update the software on Parrot Rolling Spider drone. There are steps on ...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

Simulink: How to interpret received UDP data/packet?
Hi Guoguang, You can consider using a Byte Unpack block to interprest the received UDP packets. There is a shipped Simulink e...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

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Unable to connect to EV3 via WiFi
Hi Krish, In the firmware version V1.09, the SSH and telnet are blocked by Lego. The interface Simulink uses to connect to th...

quasi 7 anni fa | 1

How to receive data using UDP?
Hi Kidus, For transferring data over the UDP network using Simulink, it can be done on the same computer (even the same Simul...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

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Is there a way to change the Sample Time Color Palette ?
Hi Lloyd, It seems like if there seven or more Discrete sample time, the colors repeat in the Sample Time Legend. I work at M...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

Why can't I use a bus with an array subelement?
Hi Joe, As of Simulink 8.1 (R2013a), it is possible to create a Simulink bus in which one of its fields is an array of buses....

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

IGBT characterization - Simscape
Hi Isacco, Here is an example that models the IGBT switching loss characteristics: <

circa 7 anni fa | 0

What is the range for 'SettlingTimeThreshold' in stepinfo?
Hi Onn Lim, From the documentation for function "stepinfo", the function input "SettlingTimeThreshold" should be a scalar bet...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

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Time-aligning two signals to be out of phase for optimal cancelation
Hi Trent, Have you considered to try function "alignsignals" from Signal Processing Toolbox? Here is the documentation link w...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

How can I run Specific M-Script in each timestep of SIMULINK Model Simulation.
Hi Purusothaman, It seems that function "evalin" is not supported for code generation in MATLAB Function block. Please refer ...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Why does poly2trellis generate a different trellis for equivalent inputs?
Hi David, The reason that the outputs of the two trellis are not equal is that when converting the coefficients of the the 6t...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

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Does Matlab support USRP X310 and UBX-160 daughter board?
Hi Young-Chul, Here is a link to Documentation page with a list of supported daughter cards for USRP support package: <https...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Where are the PID blocks in the Block-Specific Parameters in order to change parameters of these blocks in a script?
Hi Enrique, To view the block specific parameters for PID Controller (2DOF) block, you can select this block in your Simulin...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

How to accumulate simulink data
Hi Minkwan, I think you can use the Mux block in Simulink library, which combine several input signals into a vector. The doc...

circa 7 anni fa | 0