
Brian Hart

Attivo dal 2018

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  • Knowledgeable Level 3
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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Add Gaussian noise to mesh or point cloud
You can generate normally-distributed random values with randn. For a point cloud for example, if you have 100 points with x, y,...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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Error when using createMask
Hi Manuel, A mask is created from an ROI (region of interest), not an image. First you need to create an ROI with drawellipse, ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

How to make a table and 2D graph of 3 variables?
I'm not sure about the "table" you want. Here's a simple example of how to define two vector values, then compute a 2D result an...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

Input dialog boxes accepts binary bit sequence
Hi Lorrenzo, MATLAB doesn't support binary representation. So when you run the above code, MATLAB thinks the value in temp2 is ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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Changing Axes direction with positive z-axis downwards
Hi Ryan, The first step is to change your second line to say f = figure(1); This gives you a handle to update the figure prop...

oltre 5 anni fa | 3

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extraction of a specific slice from the 3D shepp Logan phantom to reconstruct it
If it's a standard 3D array, you can do something like slice = image(:,:,64) to get the 64th slice.

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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Why is my graph coming out blank when i try and plot this code?
It's an error in your calcuation of y. Check the size and you'll see it's coming out as a scalar. Replace "/" with "./", since ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

How do I change the function for certain points in a for loop
I suggest making an "other function" variable that has the values for which you want to use the other function. Then do an IF te...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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How to reference each element of a column vector in an if statement
Hi Brian, You need to use subscripts to index the Spin variable, as well as x. For example, if Spin(jj) <= .99999 Amou...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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How do I plot the angle
Hi Umut, This is a neat problem! Some nice physics with rectangular-to-polar conversions and trig asymptotes. My code to solve ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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Deleting Entries in an Array
Hi Ramitha, You almost got it. For your last line of code, try A(vals,:)=[]; The way you tried it at first uses linear lindex...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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Bounding Boxes at any points
Hi arun, Here's some code to do what you asked, but with everything in units of the graph/plot (not mixing mm / pixel coordinat...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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2d coordinate transformation specified origin matlab
Hi Reuben, You're almost there. The basic idea is to subtract the rotation point value from the target point, so that you ARE ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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how to plot image signal ?
Hi Tim, Try replacing "plot" with "imshow". Also need to remove the quotes from the second command in the last line... subplot...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

MATLAB Engine for python
Try using sys.addpath in Python.

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

How can i detect max value and his index ?
Let's say your vector is a =[1 2 5 NaN NaN 9 0 23 12 NaN NaN NaN 6 2 8] Then the m...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

how to create this matrix?
Hi diadalina, I think it would look something like this... iLength = 5; %rows jLength = 7; %cols b=zeros(iLength, jLengt...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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Read mixed numbers in Matlab
Here's some code to read the data in as a table, then update the mixed number values in each row to the decimal... T = readtabl...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

"cleaning" a horizontal line removal code for object detection.
Hi Janrex, For a nice clean image like this, there's a very simple solution. Just compute a row sum; rows with staff lines have...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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keep the number give by bwlabel to one object constant in all images of an image sequence
Hi Sofia, I assume these 10 images are related; that they show a changing field. I think the only way to do what you want is t...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

how can i make the result number from convolution become positive?
Convolution results can be negative. If you want only positive results, two options are to either take the absolute value of th...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

Undefined function 'int' for input arguments of type 'char'. keep getting error using matlab2015b
In the first line you define an eqution as a text string (in quotes). Then in the second line you pass that text string into the...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

Issue with table data creating strings and recognising as numbers
Hi Hannah, Try replacing, for example, nTxc=c(:,2)); with nTxc=a.cmes100917(:,2).mag_magnetic_field_mso_xnT; (I used tab ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

Beginner question about for loops and indexing
Hi Callum, You're really close. First, you can move the "r = ... " line outside the loop to do the operation on the whole arra...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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