
Tung Van Nguyen

Last seen: oltre 2 anni fa Attivo dal 2021

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  • Tiles Challenge Master
  • Cody Problems in Japanese Master
  • Matrix Manipulation II Master
  • Matrix Patterns II Master
  • Project Euler I
  • Matrix Manipulation I Master
  • Indexing II Master
  • Commenter
  • Promoter
  • Draw Letters
  • CUP Challenge Master
  • Community Group Solver

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Choose the best fitting dominoes
You will be given a cell array of nx2 matrices. Choose one row from each matrix. These are the ordered pairs that will be plac...

circa 3 anni fa


Find best domino orientation
Given a list of pairs, find the orientation they should be placed in a line, such that the sum of the absolute values of the dif...

circa 3 anni fa


Rotate and display numbered tile
Imagine a square tile with four numbers on it, one on each edge. We will call these edges north, east, south, and west. If th...

circa 3 anni fa


Find vampire numbers
A < vampire number> is a number v that is the product of two numbers x and y such th...

circa 3 anni fa


Generalised Hamming Number
Inspired by Project Euler n°204 and Problem 1308 by James A generalised Hamming number of type n, has no prime factor larger ...

circa 3 anni fa


Factorize THIS, buddy
List the prime factors for the input number, in decreasing order. List each factor only once, even if the factorization includes...

circa 3 anni fa


Get all prime factors
List the prime factors for the input number, in decreasing order. List each factor. If the prime factor occurs twice, list it as...

circa 3 anni fa


Numbers with prime factors 2, 3 and 5.
Make a function which takes one positive integer n and returns a matrix with the numbers of the form (2^i)*(3^j)*(5^k) which are...

circa 3 anni fa


Proper Factors
Generate the proper factors of input integer x and return them in ascending order. For more information on proper factors, refer...

circa 3 anni fa


Multiples of a Number in a Given Range
Given an integer factor _f_ and a range defined by _xlow_ and _xhigh_ inclusive, return a vector of the multiples of _f_ that fa...

circa 3 anni fa


Smith numbers
Return true if the input is a Smith number in base ten. Otherwise, return false. Read about Smith numbers at <http://en.wikipedi...

circa 3 anni fa


Prime factor digits
Consider the following number system. Calculate the prime factorization for each number n, then represent the prime factors in a...

circa 3 anni fa


Is A the inverse of B?
Given a matrix A and a matrix B, is A the inverse of B? >>A=[2,4;3,5]; >>B=[-2.5,2;1.5,-1]; >>isInverse...

circa 3 anni fa


Circle/Pentagon Overlap
Your function will be provided with the five vertices of a pentagon (p) as well as the center point (cp) and radius (r) of a cir...

circa 3 anni fa


Find the nearest prime number
Happy 5th birthday, Cody! Since 5 is a prime number, let's have some fun looking for other prime numbers. Given a positive in...

circa 3 anni fa


Sums of Multiple Pairs of Triangular Numbers
This is a follow-up to < Problem 44289> - Find two triangular numbers...

circa 3 anni fa


Basic electricity in a dry situation
&#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#9889 &#...

circa 3 anni fa


Pernicious Anniversary Problem
Since Cody is 5 years old, it's pernicious. A < Pernicious number> is an integer w...

circa 3 anni fa


Find the Oldest Person in a Room
Given two input vectors: * |name| - user last names * |age| - corresponding age of the person Return the name of the ol...

circa 3 anni fa


Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Given an input vector |F| containing temperature values in Fahrenheit, return an output vector |C| that contains the values in C...

circa 3 anni fa


文字列の最初と最後の文字をつなげて返すような関数を作成しましょう。 もし文字が一つしかない場合、その文字は最初と最後の文字のため、関数はその文字を二回返すようにしておきましょう。 例: stringfirstandlast('borin...

circa 3 anni fa


対称で、n*2n のサイズの行列を作成しましょう
サイズが n*2n の "mirror" 行列(対称行列)を作成しましょう。 例: n=2 の場合、以下のような出力を返します。 m = [ 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 ] n = 3 の場合、以下のよう...

circa 3 anni fa


与えられた英語の文章内の母音を取り除きましょう。 例: 入力 s1 が 'Jack and Jill went up the hill' の場合、 出力 s2 は 'Jck nd Jll wnt p th hll' * (英語版) ...

circa 3 anni fa


あなたは電気屋で働いています。 あなたの電気屋にテレビを買いに来たお客さんに「何インチのテレビを買いたいのか」と質問したところ、対角線の情報しかわからないと言われてしまいました。 しかし、テレビのインチを知るには、幅と高さの情報が必要です。 ...

circa 3 anni fa


NaN (欠損値) が含まれている行を削除しよう
行列 A が与えられたとき、その行列の中に NaN (Not a number; 欠損値) の要素がある行を見つけ出し、その行を削除しましょう。 例: A = [ 1 5 8 -3 NaN 14 ...

circa 3 anni fa


ベクトル b にあるスカラ値 a が含まれていれば出力として 1 を返し、含まれていなければ 0 を返すような関数を作成しましょう。 例: a = 3; b = [1,2,4]; スカラ値 3 はベクトル b に含まれていない...

circa 3 anni fa


行列 a が与えられたとき、行列 a の中で一番ゼロの要素が少ない行のインデクス r を返す関数を作成しましょう。このとき、行列 a には一つだけしかこの条件に当てはまる行がないと仮定します。 例: 入力として、行列 a = [ 1 ...

circa 3 anni fa


行列が与えられたときに、その行列内の素数の平均を計算する関数を作成しましょう。 例: 入力の行列が in = [ 8 3            5 9 ] のとき、 出力が 4 あるいは (3+5)/2 のようになり...

circa 3 anni fa


二つの同じ長さのベクトルが与えられたとき、二つのベクトルの要素ごとの積の平均を求めましょう。 例: 二つのベクトル [1 2 3] と [10 15 20] が与えられたとき、 それぞれの要素ごとの積の平均を取ると、 解は 33.33...

circa 3 anni fa


ある数のベクトルが与えられた場合、そのベクトルの要素の一つが他の要素の二乗であれば true を返し、それ以外の場合は false を返すようなコードを書いてみましょう。 例: 入力が a = [2 3 4] のとき、 出力 b は t...

circa 3 anni fa

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