Dima Lisin


Attivo dal 2013

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I am an engineer at Mathworks working on the Computer Vision System Toolbox.


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Detect and Track Multiple Faces
Detect and track multiple faces from live video.

oltre 8 anni fa | 9 download |


rectifyStereoImages is cutting off too much of my image
Set 'OutputView' to 'full', when you call rectifyStereoImages.

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Ambiguous Disparity Map and Inadequate 3D Scene Reconstruction
Hi Yildiray, There are several problems with your calibration: # The checkerboard is not really flat. You have to glue it ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 1

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Finding multiple roots of a polynomial

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Camera Calibration for measuring planar object
Not sure what you are asking... You would need to write your own code to detect the object of interest. If it has a distinctive ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Robust background substraction in outdoor environment
Use |vision.ForegroundDetector| from the Computer Vision System Toolbox.

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

how can i save the image and roi to train classifier
Try using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ug/label-images-for-classification-model-training.html Training Image Labele...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Error in the code
I am guessing that your image is M-by-N-by-3 (RGB). |detectSURFFeatures| only takes M-by-N grayscale images. Convert your images...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Why does my videoplayer hang at the first frame while streaming live camera.
Sounds like the size of your frame has changed. Most likely it went from being M-by-N grayscale to M-by-N-by-3 RGB or vice versa...

quasi 9 anni fa | 2

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How to connect Kinect 2 with MATLAB image acquisition tool?
Image Aquisition Toolbox now <http://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/kinect-windows.html supports Kinect v2.>

quasi 9 anni fa | 1

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How can I calculate the actual distance in real world of an object from its picture that picked up by a camera?
With one camera, you may be able to compute the distance if you have a calibrated camera, and you know the actual size of the ob...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

help me solve this error detectSURFFeatures
|detectSURFFeatures| only works on grayscale images. Use |rgb2gray| to convert |I| to grayscsle.

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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How to use calibration parameters from KITTI?
The file |calib_cam_to_cam.txt| contains parameters for 3 cameras. * S_0x: is the image size. You do not really need it for ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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Problem with Computer Vision tool box
Hi Ali, Try the following: Go to "Preferences". Select "Image Processing Toolbox" on the left. Uncheck "Enable hardware op...

quasi 9 anni fa | 2

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is there an algorithm of matching based on intensity information
Actually, you are not quite right. What you typically match are SURF descriptors, which are based on gradient orientation distri...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Vision Toolbox Question: Is there a way to access the z-coordinate from the camera calibration process?
Hi Thomas, In the checkerboard's coordinate system the points on the checkerboard all have z=0. If you want the checkerboard ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 1

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How to extract shape characteristics from an image?
|regionprops| function in the Image Processing Toolbox can compute various shape characteristics of regions, such as area, perim...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

How to save a point cloud object??
Hi Priya, This confusion is an unfortunate result of a name conflict. |reconstructScene| returns an M-by-N-by-3 array of xyz...

quasi 9 anni fa | 2

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In two processed images, one shows 3 centroids and another shows 4 centroids. How to eliminate this extra centroids from centroids array.
Hi Naseeb, The |triangulate| function can return reprojection errors, which can tell you whether or not a match is correct.

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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Feature Based Panoramic Image Stitching
Hi Alex, |fullfile| is a function to create a path to your image folder. It simply concatenates the strings you give it with ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 1

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Error "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals" on a matlab based example
This error means that |matchFeatures| didn't find any matches and |indexPairs| is empty. If it is expected that sometimes you do...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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Foreground Detection Using GMM on Depth Images
The |step| method of |vision.ForegroundDetector| takes an image, which can come from anywhere. So you can just read your depth m...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

How can I calculate area of target object with Calibrated Camera
That would depend on the object. If it is circle, and you can measure its diameter, then you can calculate its area as pi*r^2. I...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Hi, I doing a project that load a roadsigns.mat, which a exported from Image Lableler. Can someone help me to fix the error below ?
You should export the ROIs using the "Export" button. That will create a variable in the workspace that you can pass into trainC...

quasi 9 anni fa | 1

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I calibrated my camera using Camera Calibration app,How do i apply it to my camera for further use
If you click the "Export" button on the app, it will export a |cameraParameters| object to your workspace. There is a variety of...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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How to use undistortImage function ?
Hi Lise, You have three different questions here. Let's take them one at a time: # *Crash when using undistortImage.* Ca...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

A toolbox to recognize object/faces in a video
If you are still working on this, try the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47105-detect-and-track-multiple-f...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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Intensity based background subtraction for effective object detection
Try using |vision.ForegroundDetector| object in the Computer Vision System Toolbox.

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

How to map the disparity image values to the original image?
You would have "un-rectify" the image, and there is no easy way to do that because rectification is a non-linear transformation....

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Point Cloud Reconstruction From Disparity Map Not Working
Hi David, Can you please post your disparity map and the |stereoParameters| object? Also, it would help if you could post the...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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