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having if/else statement go to previous input
r = rand(); if opt == 1 || (opt == 3 && r < 0.5) abc else xyz end

1 giorno fa | 0

6x6 system of multivariate quadratic equations ... non-negative real solutions
I think there is no specialized solver for a system of quadratic equations. Thus a general nonlinear solver ("fsolve","lsqnonlin...

1 giorno fa | 0

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Color Burr distribution function line
pd = makedist('Burr','alpha',1,'c',2,'k',5); R = random(pd,100,1); pd = fitdist(R,'Burr'); figure(1) plot(pd) x = 0:0.01:2;...

1 giorno fa | 0

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Writing ODE equations for ode45 to solve;
The form of the equations that can be solved by ode45 is M*y'(t) = f(t,y). So you can decide whether you choose M to be the iden...

3 giorni fa | 0

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How to use a solver to get the terminal velocity of a sphere.
v0 = fsolve(@fun,1) function res = fun(v0) d_p =...; rho_air = ...; nu_air = ...; rho_w = ...; g = ...; Re ...

4 giorni fa | 1

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Nusselt number and skin friction for bvp4c
Nu1 = -(1+bk*(1+m))*S1.y(5,1) Nu2 = -(1+bk)*S1.y(5,end) Tau1 = (1-bv*(1+m))*S1.y(4,1) Tau2 = (1-bv)*S1.y(4,end)

5 giorni fa | 0

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K Nested For Loops for arbitrary K
I'd generate all possible k-tuples out of the n numbers and throw away those that are not monotonic by using the "diff" command:...

5 giorni fa | 0

How to find non-zero solutions to underdetermined systems of equations
The null() function gives you a basis for ker(A): A=[0.719600000000000,0.069400000000000,0.526400000000000,0.110700000000000;1....

8 giorni fa | 0

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How to get the exact step size used by ode45?
If the stepsize is part of the ODE equation, you cannot use ODE45 to solve. You have to write your own integrator.

11 giorni fa | 0

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Optimization Eigenvalue problem Stiffness matrix
Should be % Perform optimization [K_opt_vec,~,res] = lsqnonlin(@(K) obj_function_reshaped_matrix(K, M, f_exact_Hz), [k1_guess,...

12 giorni fa | 0

MATLAb Solve function not solving
Which MATLAB version are you using ? R2024b gives a direct answer: clear all close all syms I1 I2 V0 s=2; eqns=[5*I1+4*...

12 giorni fa | 1

how can I calculate euler constant
g = vpa(eulergamma())

12 giorni fa | 1

How to find the equation of a 2D plane that best fits a set of vectors defined in n dimensions?

12 giorni fa | 1

How to obtain direct symbolic solutions without introducing intermediate variables like z and z1 in MATLAB's solve function?
If it can't, I want to see what is the z and z1 in the solution. k,l,x,z and z1 are arbitrary numbers that satisfy joint_soluti...

13 giorni fa | 0

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How to Set a Minimum Step Size for Variables in GA Solver (Global Optimization Toolbox)?
Define 21 integer variables x_i that can take values 0 or 1 (by using the "intcon" input to "ga" and setting the lower and upper...

16 giorni fa | 0

Trying to create a polynomial using data from a table
You can't expect exact agreement, but the approximation is not that bad (at least for the point chosen): % Data preparation dP...

19 giorni fa | 0

Algebraic variable derivatives in the DAE solution process
0 = dg/dx * x' + dg/dy * y' + dg/du * u' = dg/dx * f + dg/dy * y' + dg/du * u' Solve for y'.

21 giorni fa | 0

System of state dependent delay equations causes ddesd to run forever.
y(5) is negative shortly after t = 0. Thus your delay d = t - y(5) in principle would refer to values of y(1) that are not yet k...

23 giorni fa | 0

Integrating multivariate Gaussian pdf in 4 dimensions
Use "mvncdf": If your function is more complicated than posted, try "integralN...

24 giorni fa | 0

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The mean function isn't working and i don't know why
Check whether the data type of Data_IV_KE is "double". To this end, MATLAB should return "double" when you type class(Data_IV...

26 giorni fa | 0

Solving Second-Order BVP with unknown Constants using fsolve
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(-6.17415,6.17415,64),[0;0],[.809827,0]); sol = bvp4c(@mat4ode,@mat4bc, solinit); xint = linspace(...

26 giorni fa | 0

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Hi,I tray RUN this code but i get tis error ( below the code)
Variables and/or functions are missing to run your code. According to the error message, m90_plot is an array of size 12784, bu...

27 giorni fa | 0

expressing the complex function
Use syms x t real instead of syms x t Then real(series) and imag(series) will work.

29 giorni fa | 0

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beginner integration trouble.
"int" cannot find an analytical antiderivative for f(x). Thus to get the numerical value for the integral, use Area=2*vpainte...

29 giorni fa | 0

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How to loop through values?
Beta = linspace(0,1,10); Alpha = linspace(0,2,20); n = numel(Beta); m = numel(Alpha); Result = zeros(n,m); for i = 1:n ...

29 giorni fa | 0

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Using erfcinv and array indices are being rejected as not positive or valid, despite all being positive in the vector
As far as I understand, "erfbatp" is an array of numbers. So erfbatp(2*.05/2) = erfbatp(0.05) does not make sense, does it ? V...

circa un mese fa | 0

Converting symbolic ODE solution to function ... Warnings
The solution is implicitly given by the equation (a*y+b*y^2/2+c*y^3/3+d*y^4/4)-(a*y0+b*y0^2/2+c*y0^3/3+d*y0^4/4) - integral_{x'...

circa un mese fa | 0

convert the above expression into this graph
I'll show you how to solve for theta2 given theta from the equation sin(theta2-theta)+exp(-theta2/(omega*tau))*sin(theta)=0 F...

circa un mese fa | 1

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Trouble using ODE45 for coupled non-linear differential equation
I can't recover the four differential equations you solve from the two equations you included in mathematical form. Your equati...

circa un mese fa | 0

How to get the answer from the following code. How can i extract the values from the code?
F = U1.y(5,1)-Nt*U1.yp(5,1) J = -1i*U1.y(6,1) N1 = -U1.y(7,1) N2 = -U1.y(8,1)

circa un mese fa | 0

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