Mission on Mars Robot Challenge
The Mission on Mars Robot Challenge Video Series features a collection of tips and tricks designed to guide you through the different stages of the Mission On Mars Robot Challenge. These videos will enable you to move further along in the challenge with confidence.
Presentation of the Rover Robot
Discover the rover robot used during the Mission on Mars Robot Challenge.
Quick Start Guide to the 2016 Mission on Mars Robot Challenge
Discover an easy way to start working on the Mission On Mars Robot Challenge.
Using Stateflow in Your Projects
Short tutorial to learn how to use Stateflow and build state machines.
How to Create Different Scenarios
Discover how to create different scenarios for the Mission On Mars Robot Challenge.
Description of the Initial Algorithm
Overview of the initial algorithm used in the Mission on Mars Robot Challenge.
How to Implement Algorithms for Simple Moves
You’ll learn to control the Rover robot using distance and speed commands.
How to Build a Stateflow Chart
A short introduction on the rover robot camera and instruction on building a Stateflow chart to move the robot to a specific target.
Building a Position Estimator for a Robot
Overview of a simple position estimator for a wheeled robot, i.e. an algorithm assessing the absolute robot position based on relative wheel angle information.