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Axes Transformations

Coordinate axes transformations, such as Euler angles to quaternions and Euler-Rodrigues angles to quaternions

Axes transformation functions support transformations such as:

  • Conversions between different rotation representations, such as those between Direction cosine matrices (DCM), quaternions, rotation angles, and Euler-Rodrigues angles

  • Coordinate system transformation between common aerospace coordinate systems defined with respect to the center or surface of Earth, such as ECI, ECEF, NED, Flat Earth

  • Axes transformations between common aerospace body-fixed coordinate system, such as Body, Wind, and Stability axes

  • Transformations between geodetic and geocentric latitude, longitude, and altitude and Cartesian coordinate frames


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angle2dcmConvert rotation angles to direction cosine matrix
angle2quatConvert rotation angles to quaternion
angle2rodConvert rotation angles to Euler-Rodrigues vector
rod2angleConvert Euler-Rodrigues vector to rotation angles
quat2angleConvert quaternion to rotation angles
rod2dcmConvert Euler-Rodrigues vector to direction cosine matrix
dcm2angleCreate rotation angles from direction cosine matrix
dcm2quatConvert direction cosine matrix to quaternion
dcm2rodConvert direction cosine matrix to Euler-Rodrigues vector
quat2dcmConvert quaternion to direction cosine matrix
quat2rodConvert quaternion to Euler-Rodrigues vector
rod2quatConvert Euler-Rodrigues vector to quaternion
dcmeci2ecefConvert Earth-centered inertial (ECI) to Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates
dcmecef2nedConvert geodetic latitude and longitude to direction cosine matrix
dcm2latlonConvert direction cosine matrix to geodetic latitude and longitude
eci2ecefPosition, velocity, and acceleration vectors in Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate system
eci2llaConvert Earth-centered inertial (ECI) coordinates to latitude, longitude, altitude (LLA) geodetic coordinates
eci2aerConvert Earth-centered inertial (ECI) coordinates to azimuth, elevation, slant range (AER) coordinates
ecef2eciPosition and velocity vectors in Earth-centered inertial mean-equator mean-equinox
ecef2llaConvert Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates to geodetic coordinates
lla2eciConvert geodetic latitude, longitude, altitude (LLA) coordinates to Earth-centered inertial (ECI) coordinates
lla2ecefConvert geodetic coordinates to Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates
flat2llaConvert from flat Earth position to array of geodetic coordinates
lla2flatConvert from geodetic latitude, longitude, and altitude to flat Earth position
dcm2alphabetaConvert direction cosine matrix to angle of attack and sideslip angle
dcmbody2stabilityConvert body frame to stability frame transformation matrix (Since R2022a)
dcmbody2windConvert angle of attack and sideslip angle to direction cosine matrix
geoc2geodConvert geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude
geod2geocConvert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude
dcm2latlonConvert direction cosine matrix to geodetic latitude and longitude
lla2ecefConvert geodetic coordinates to Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates
lla2eciConvert geodetic latitude, longitude, altitude (LLA) coordinates to Earth-centered inertial (ECI) coordinates
flat2llaConvert from flat Earth position to array of geodetic coordinates
lla2flatConvert from geodetic latitude, longitude, and altitude to flat Earth position
ecef2llaConvert Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates to geodetic coordinates
eci2llaConvert Earth-centered inertial (ECI) coordinates to latitude, longitude, altitude (LLA) geodetic coordinates


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