Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition Code Generation on Raspberry Pi
This example demonstrates code generation for Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition using a long short-term memory (LSTM) network and spectral descriptors. This example uses MATLAB® Coder™, MATLAB Coder Interface for Deep Learning, MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi™ Hardware to generate a standalone executable (.elf
) file on a Raspberry Pi that leverages performance of the ARM® Compute Library. The input data consists of acoustics time-series recordings from faulty or healthy air compressors and the output is the state of the mechanical machine predicted by the LSTM network. This standalone executable on Raspberry Pi runs the streaming classifier on the input data received from MATLAB and sends the computed scores for each label to MATLAB. Interaction between MATLAB script and the executable on your Raspberry Pi is handled using the user datagram protocol (UDP). For more details on audio preprocessing and network training, see Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition.
Example Requirements
The MATLAB Coder Interface for Deep Learning Support Package
ARM processor that supports the NEON extension
ARM Compute Library version 20.02.1 (on the target ARM hardware)
Environment variables for the compilers and libraries
For supported versions of libraries and for information about setting up environment variables, see Prerequisites for Deep Learning with MATLAB Coder (MATLAB Coder)
Prepare Input Dataset
Specify a sample rate fs
of 16 kHz and a windowLength
of 512 samples, as defined in Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition. Set numFrames
to 100
fs = 16000; windowLength = 512; numFrames = 100;
To run the Example on a test signal, generate a pink noise signal. To test the performance of the system on a real dataset, download the air compressor dataset [1].
downloadDataset =false; if ~downloadDataset pinkNoiseSignal = pinknoise(windowLength*numFrames); else % Download component = 'audio'; filename = 'AirCompressorDataset/'; localfile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile(component,filename); % Unzip the downloaded zip file to the downloadFolder downloadFolder = fileparts(localfile); if ~exist(fullfile(downloadFolder,'AirCompressorDataset'),'dir') unzip(localfile, downloadFolder) end % Create an audioDatastore object dataStore, to manage, the data. dataStore = audioDatastore(downloadFolder,'IncludeSubfolders',true,'LabelSource','foldernames'); % Use countEachLabel to get the number of samples of each category in the dataset. countEachLabel(dataStore) end
Recognize Machine Fault in MATLAB
To run the streaming classifier in MATLAB, download and unzip the system developed in Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition.
component = 'audio'; filename = 'AcousticsBasedMachineFaultRecognition/'; localfile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile(component,filename); downloadFolder = fullfile(fileparts(localfile),'system'); if ~exist(downloadFolder,'dir') unzip(localfile,downloadFolder) end
To access the recognizeAirCompressorFault
function of the system, add downloadFolder
to the search path.
Create a dsp.AsyncBuffer
object to read audio in a streaming fashion and a dsp.AsyncBuffer
object to accumulate scores.
audioSource = dsp.AsyncBuffer; scoreBuffer = dsp.AsyncBuffer;
Load the pretrained network and extract labels from the network.
airCompNet = coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork('AirCompressorFaultRecognitionModel.mat');
labels = string(airCompNet.Layers(end).Classes);
Initialize signalToBeTested
to pinkNoiseSignal
or select a signal from the drop-down list to test the file of your choice from the dataset.
if ~downloadDataset signalToBeTested = pinkNoiseSignal; else [allFiles,~] = splitEachLabel(dataStore,1); allData = readall(allFiles); signalToBeTested =allData(1); signalToBeTested = cell2mat(signalToBeTested); end
Stream one audio frame at a time to represent the system as it would be deployed in a real-time embedded system. Use recognizeAirCompressorFault
developed in Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition to compute audio features and perform deep learning classification.
write(audioSource,signalToBeTested); resetNetworkState = true; while audioSource.NumUnreadSamples >= windowLength % Get a frame of audio data x = read(audioSource,windowLength); % Apply streaming classifier function score = recognizeAirCompressorFault(x,resetNetworkState); % Store score for analysis write(scoreBuffer,score); resetNetworkState = false; end
Compute the recognized fault from scores and display it.
scores = read(scoreBuffer); [~,labelIndex] = max(scores(end,:),[],2); detectedFault = labels(labelIndex)
detectedFault = "Flywheel"
Plot the scores of each label for each frame.
plot(scores) legend("" + labels,'Location','northwest') xlabel("Time Step") ylabel("Score") str = sprintf("Predicted Scores Over Time Steps.\nPredicted Class: %s",detectedFault); title(str)
Reset the asynchronous buffer audioSource
Prepare MATLAB Code For Deployment
This example uses the dsp.UDPSender
System object to send the audio frame to the executable running on Raspberry Pi and the dsp.UDPReceiver
System object to receive the score vector from the Raspberry Pi. Create a dsp.UDPSender
system object to send audio captured in MATLAB to your Raspberry Pi. Set the targetIPAddress
to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. Set the RemoteIPPort
to 25000
. Raspberry Pi receives the input audio frame from the same port using the dsp.UDPReceiver
system object.
targetIPAddress = ''; UDPSend = dsp.UDPSender('RemoteIPPort',25000,'RemoteIPAddress',targetIPAddress);
Create a dsp.UDPReceiver
system object to receive predicted scores from your Raspberry Pi. Each UDP packet received from the Raspberry Pi is a vector of scores and each vector element is a score for a state of the air compressor. The maximum message length for the dsp.UDPReceiver
object is 65507 bytes. Calculate the buffer size to accommodate the maximum number of UDP packets.
sizeOfDoubleInBytes = 8; numScores = 8; maxUDPMessageLength = floor(65507/sizeOfDoubleInBytes); numPackets = floor(maxUDPMessageLength/numScores); bufferSize = numPackets*numScores*sizeOfDoubleInBytes; UDPReceive = dsp.UDPReceiver("LocalIPPort",21000, ... "MessageDataType","single", ... "MaximumMessageLength",numScores, ... "ReceiveBufferSize",bufferSize);
Create a supporting function, recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi
, that receives an audio frame using dsp.UDPReceiver
and applies the streaming classifier and sends the predicted score vector to MATLAB using dsp.UDPSender
type recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi
function recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi(hostIPAddress) % This function receives acoustic input using dsp.UDPReceiver and runs a % streaming classifier by calling recognizeAirCompressorFault, developed in % the Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition - MATLAB Example. % Computed scores are sent to MATLAB using dsp.UDPSender. %#codegen % Copyright 2021 The MathWorks, Inc. frameLength = 512; % Configure UDP Sender System Object UDPSend = dsp.UDPSender('RemoteIPPort',21000,'RemoteIPAddress',hostIPAddress); % Configure UDP Receiver system object sizeOfDoubleInBytes = 8; maxUDPMessageLength = floor(65507/sizeOfDoubleInBytes); numPackets = floor(maxUDPMessageLength/frameLength); bufferSize = numPackets*frameLength*sizeOfDoubleInBytes; UDPReceiveRaspi = dsp.UDPReceiver('LocalIPPort',25000, ... 'MaximumMessageLength',frameLength, ... 'ReceiveBufferSize',bufferSize, ... 'MessageDataType','double'); % Reset network state for first call resetNetworkState = true; while true % Receive audio frame of size frameLength x 1 x = UDPReceiveRaspi(); if(~isempty(x)) x = x(1:frameLength,1); % Apply streaming classifier function scores = recognizeAirCompressorFault(x,resetNetworkState); %Send output to the host machine UDPSend(scores); resetNetworkState = false; end end
Generate Executable on Raspberry Pi
Replace the hostIPAddress
with your machine's address. Your Raspberry Pi sends the predicted scores to the IP address you specify.
hostIPAddress = coder.Constant('');
Create a code generation configuration object to generate an executable program. Specify the target language as C++.
cfg = coder.config('exe'); cfg.TargetLang = 'C++';
Create a configuration object for deep learning code generation with the ARM compute library that is on your Raspberry Pi. Specify the architecture of the Raspberry Pi and attach the deep learning configuration object to the code generation configuration object.
dlcfg = coder.DeepLearningConfig('arm-compute'); dlcfg.ArmArchitecture = 'armv7'; dlcfg.ArmComputeVersion = '20.02.1'; cfg.DeepLearningConfig = dlcfg;
Use the Raspberry Pi Support Package function raspi
to create a connection to your Raspberry Pi. In the next block of code, replace:
with the name of your Raspberry Pipi
with your user namepassword
with your password
if (~exist('r','var')) r = raspi('raspiname','pi','password'); end
Create a coder.hardware
(MATLAB Coder) object for Raspberry Pi and attach it to the code generation configuration object.
hw = coder.hardware('Raspberry Pi');
cfg.Hardware = hw;
Specify the build folder on the Raspberry Pi.
buildDir = '~/remoteBuildDir';
cfg.Hardware.BuildDir = buildDir;
Use an autogenerated C++ main file to generate a standalone executable.
cfg.GenerateExampleMain = 'GenerateCodeAndCompile';
Call the codegen
(MATLAB Coder) function from MATLAB Coder to generate C++ code and the executable on your Raspberry Pi. By default, the Raspberry Pi executable has the same name as the MATLAB function. You get a warning in the code generation logs that
you can disregard because recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi
has an infinite loop that looks for an audio frame from MATLAB.
codegen -config cfg recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi -args {hostIPAddress} -report
Deploying code. This may take a few minutes. Warning: Function 'recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi' does not terminate due to an infinite loop. Warning in ==> recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi Line: 1 Column: 1 Code generation successful (with warnings): View report
Perform Machine Fault Recognition Using Deployed Code
Create a command to open the recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi
application on a Raspberry Pi. Use system
to send the command to your Raspberry Pi.
applicationName = 'recognizeAirCompressorFaultRaspi'; applicationDirPaths = raspi.utils.getRemoteBuildDirectory('applicationName',applicationName); targetDirPath = applicationDirPaths{1}.directory; exeName = strcat(applicationName,'.elf'); command = ['cd ',targetDirPath,'; ./',exeName,' &> 1 &']; system(r,command);
Initialize signalToBeTested
to pinkNoiseSignal
or select a signal from the drop-down list to test the file of your choice from the dataset.
if ~downloadDataset signalToBeTested = pinkNoiseSignal; else [allFiles,~] = splitEachLabel(dataStore,1); allData = readall(allFiles); signalToBeTested =allData(1); signalToBeTested = cell2mat(signalToBeTested); end
Stream one audio frame at a time to represent a system as it would be deployed in a real-time embedded system. Use the generated MEX file recognizeAirCompressorFault_mex
to compute audio features and perform deep learning classification.
write(audioSource,signalToBeTested); while audioSource.NumUnreadSamples >= windowLength x = read(audioSource,windowLength); UDPSend(x); score = UDPReceive(); if ~isempty(score) write(scoreBuffer,score'); end end
Compute the recognized fault from scores and display it.
scores = read(scoreBuffer); [~,labelIndex] = max(scores(end,:),[],2); detectedFault = labels(labelIndex)
detectedFault = "Flywheel"
Plot the scores of each label for each frame.
plot(scores) legend("" + labels,'Location','northwest') xlabel("Time Step") ylabel("Score") str = sprintf("Predicted Scores Over Time Steps.\nPredicted Class: %s",detectedFault); title(str)
Terminate the standalone executable running on Raspberry Pi.
Evaluate Execution Time Using Alternative PIL Function Workflow
To evaluate execution time taken by standalone executable on Raspberry Pi, use a PIL (processor-in-loop) workflow. To perform PIL profiling, generate a PIL function for the supporting function recognizeAirCompressorFault
Create a code generation configuration object to generate the PIL function.
cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true); cfg.VerificationMode = 'PIL';
Set the ARM compute library and architecture.
dlcfg = coder.DeepLearningConfig('arm-compute'); cfg.DeepLearningConfig = dlcfg ; cfg.DeepLearningConfig.ArmArchitecture = 'armv7'; cfg.DeepLearningConfig.ArmComputeVersion = '20.02.1';
Set up the connection with your target hardware.
if (~exist('r','var')) r = raspi('raspiname','pi','password'); end hw = coder.hardware('Raspberry Pi'); cfg.Hardware = hw;
Set the build directory and target language.
buildDir = '~/remoteBuildDir'; cfg.Hardware.BuildDir = buildDir; cfg.TargetLang = 'C++';
Enable profiling and generate the PIL code. A MEX file named recognizeAirCompressorFault_pil
is generated in your current folder.
cfg.CodeExecutionProfiling = true; audioFrame = ones(windowLength,1); resetNetworkStateFlag = true; codegen -config cfg recognizeAirCompressorFault -args {audioFrame,resetNetworkStateFlag}
Deploying code. This may take a few minutes. ### Connectivity configuration for function 'recognizeAirCompressorFault': 'Raspberry Pi' Location of the generated elf : /home/pi/remoteBuildDir/MATLAB_ws/R2021b/S/MATLAB/Examples/ExampleManager/sporwal.Bdoc21b.j1720794/deeplearning_shared-ex44063374/codegen/lib/recognizeAirCompressorFault/pil Code generation successful.
Call the generated PIL function 50 times to get the average execution time.
totalCalls = 50; for k = 1:totalCalls x = pinknoise(windowLength,1); score = recognizeAirCompressorFault_pil(x,resetNetworkStateFlag); resetNetworkStateFlag = false; end
### Starting application: 'codegen\lib\recognizeAirCompressorFault\pil\recognizeAirCompressorFault.elf' To terminate execution: clear recognizeAirCompressorFault_pil ### Launching application recognizeAirCompressorFault.elf... Execution profiling data is available for viewing. Open Simulation Data Inspector. Execution profiling report available after termination.
Terminate the PIL execution.
clear recognizeAirCompressorFault_pil
### Host application produced the following standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) messages: ### Connectivity configuration for function 'recognizeAirCompressorFault': 'Raspberry Pi' Execution profiling report: report(getCoderExecutionProfile('recognizeAirCompressorFault'))
Generate an execution profile report to evaluate execution time.
executionProfile = getCoderExecutionProfile('recognizeAirCompressorFault'); report(executionProfile, ... 'Units','Seconds', ... 'ScaleFactor','1e-03', ... 'NumericFormat','%0.4f');
The average execution time of recognizeAirCompressorFault_pil
function is 0.423
, which is well below the 32
budget for real-time performance. The first call of recognizeAirCompressorFault_pil
consumes around 12
times of the average execution time as it includes loading of network and resetting of the states. However, in a real, deployed system, that initialization time is incurred only once. This example ends here. For deploying machine fault recognition on desktops, see Acoustics-Based Machine Fault Recognition Code Generation.
[1] Verma, Nishchal K., et al. "Intelligent Condition Based Monitoring Using Acoustic Signals for Air Compressors." IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 65, no. 1, Mar. 2016, pp. 291–309. (Crossref), doi:10.1109/TR.2015.2459684.