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Custom Board and Reference Design

Integrate generated IP core into a target SoC device by defining a custom board and reference design

HDL Coder™ can generate an IP core that you can deploy to the Xilinx® Zynq® Platform. You can integrate the generated IP core into the default system reference design or into your own custom reference design that you can register for the board.


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hdlcoder.BoardBoard registration object that describes SoC custom board
hdlcoder.WorkflowConfigConfigure HDL code generation and deployment workflows
hdlcoder.ReferenceDesignReference design registration object that describes SoC reference design
hdlcoder.sdrCreate transmitter and receiver for AD936x-based software-defined radio hardware (Since R2024a)


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socExportReferenceDesignExport custom reference design for HDL Workflow Advisor (Since R2020a)
addExternalIOInterfaceDefine external IO interface for board object
addExternalPortInterfaceDefine external port interface for board object
addInternalIOInterfaceAdd and define internal IO interface between generated IP core and existing IP cores
addAXI4MasterInterfaceAdd and define AXI4 Master interface
addAXI4SlaveInterfaceAdd and define AXI4 slave interface
addAXI4StreamInterfaceAdd AXI4-Stream interface (Since R2020a)
addAXI4StreamVideoInterfaceAdd AXI4-Stream Video interface (Since R2020a)
addClockInterfaceAdd clock and reset interface
addCustomEDKDesignSpecify Xilinx EDK MHS project file
addCustomVivadoDesignSpecify Xilinx Vivado exported block design Tcl file
addIPRepositoryInclude IP modules from your IP repository folder in your custom reference design
addParameterAdd and define custom parameters for your reference design
validateReferenceDesignCheck property values in reference design object
validateBoardCheck property values in board object
CallbackCustomProgrammingMethodFunction handle for custom callback function that gets executed during Program Target Device task in the Workflow Advisor
EmbeddedCoderSupportPackageSpecify whether to use an Embedded Coder support package
PostBuildBitstreamFcnFunction handle for callback function that gets executed after the build FPGA bitstream task runs
PostCreateProjectFcnFunction handle for callback function that gets executed after the create project task runs
PostSWInterfaceFcnFunction handle for custom callback function that gets executed after the generate software interface task runs
PostTargetInterfaceFcnFunction handle for callback function that gets executed after the set target interface task runs
PostTargetReferenceDesignFcnFunction handle for callback function that gets executed after the target reference design is set



SD Card Cannot Boot Board

Troubleshoot hardware connection issues.

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