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Heat Exchanger Interface (TL)

Thermal interface between a thermal liquid and its surroundings

  • Heat Exchanger Interface (TL) block

Simscape / Fluids / Heat Exchangers / Fundamental Components


The Heat Exchanger Interface (TL) block represents a liquid interface in a thermal liquid network for heat transfer with other fluids. The block models the pressure drop and temperature change between the thermal liquid inlet and outlet of a thermal interface and when combined with the E-NTU Heat Transfer block models the heat transfer rate across the interface between two fluids.

Mass Balance

The form of the mass balance equation depends on the dynamic compressibility setting. If you clear the Thermal liquid 1 dynamic compressibility checkbox, the mass balance equation is



  • m˙A and m˙B are the mass flow rates into the interface through ports A and B.

If you select Thermal liquid 1 dynamic compressibility, the mass balance equation is



  • p is the pressure of the thermal liquid volume.

  • T is the temperature of the thermal liquid volume.

  • ɑ is the isobaric thermal expansion coefficient of the thermal liquid volume.

  • β is the isothermal bulk modulus of the thermal liquid volume.

  • ρ is the mass density of the thermal liquid volume.

  • V is the volume of thermal liquid in the heat exchanger interface.

Momentum Balance

The momentum balance in the heat exchanger interface depends on the fluid dynamic compressibility setting. If you select Thermal liquid 1 dynamic compressibility, the momentum balance factors in the internal pressure of the heat exchanger interface explicitly. The momentum balance in the half volume between port A and the internal interface node is


while in the half volume between port B and the internal interface node it is



  • pA and pB are the pressures at ports A and B.

  • p is the pressure in the internal node of the interface volume.

  • ΔpLoss,A and ΔpLoss,B are the pressure losses between port A and the internal interface node and between port B and the internal interface node.

If you clear the Thermal liquid 1 dynamic compressibility checkbox, the momentum balance in the interface volume is computed directly between ports A and B as


Pressure Loss Calculations

The exact form of the pressure loss terms depends on the Pressure loss model setting in the block dialog box. If the pressure loss model is set to Pressure loss coefficient, the pressure loss in the half volume adjacent to port A is


while in the half volume adjacent to port B it is



  • μA and μB are the fluid dynamic viscosities at ports A and B.

  • CPLoss is the Pressure loss coefficient parameter specified in the block dialog box.

  • ReL is the Reynolds number upper bound for the laminar flow regime.

  • ReT is the Reynolds number lower bound for the turbulent flow regime.

  • Dh,p is the hydraulic diameter for pressure loss calculations.

  • ρA and ρB are the fluid mass densities at ports A and B.

  • SMin is the total minimum free-flow area.

If the pressure loss model is set to Correlation for flow inside tubes, the pressure loss in the half volume adjacent to port A is


while in the half volume adjacent to port B it is



  • Lpress is the flow path length from inlet to outlet.

  • Ladd is the aggregate equivalent length of local resistances.

  • fT,A and fT,B are the turbulent-regime Darcy friction factors at ports A and B.

The Darcy friction factor in the half volume adjacent to port A is


while in the half volume adjacent to port B it is


where r is the internal surface absolute roughness.

If the pressure loss model is set to Tabulated data — Darcy friction factor vs. Reynolds number, the pressure loss in the half volume adjacent to port A is


while in the half volume adjacent to port B it is



  • λ is the shape factor for laminar flow viscous friction.

  • f(ReA) and f(ReB) are the Darcy friction factors at ports A and B. The block obtains the friction factors from tabulated data specified relative to the Reynolds number.

If the pressure loss model is set to Tabulated data — Euler number vs. Reynolds number, the pressure loss in the half volume adjacent to port A is


while in the half volume adjacent to port B it is



  • Eu(ReL) is the Euler number at the Reynolds number upper bound for laminar flows.

  • Eu(ReA) and Eu(ReB) are the Euler numbers at ports A and B. The block obtains the Euler numbers from tabulated data specified relative to the Reynolds number.

Energy Balance

The energy balance in the heat exchanger interface depends on the fluid dynamic compressibility setting. If you select Thermal liquid 1 dynamic compressibility, the energy balance is



  • U is the internal energy contained in the volume of the heat exchanger interface.

  • ϕA and ϕB are the energy flow rates through ports A and B into the volume of the heat exchanger interface.

  • QH is the heat flow rate through port H, representing the interface wall, into the volume of the heat exchange interface.

The internal energy derivatives are defined as




where u is the specific internal energy of the thermal liquid, or the internal energy contained in a unit mass of the same.

If you clear the Thermal liquid 1 dynamic compressibility checkbox, the thermal liquid density is treated as a constant. The bulk modulus is then effectively infinite and the thermal expansion coefficient zero. The pressure and temperature derivatives of the compressible case vanish and the energy balance is restated as


where E is the total internal energy of the incompressible thermal liquid, or


Heat Transfer Correlations

The block calculates and outputs the liquid-wall heat transfer coefficient value. The calculation depends on the Heat transfer coefficient specification setting in the block dialog box. If the heat transfer coefficient specification is Constant heat transfer coefficient, the heat transfer coefficient is simply the constant value specified in the block dialog box,



  • hL-W is the liquid-wall heat transfer coefficient.

  • hConst is the Liquid-wall heat transfer coefficient value specified in the block dialog box.

For all other heat transfer coefficient parameterizations, the heat transfer coefficient is defined as the arithmetic average of the port heat transfer coefficients:



  • hA and hB are the liquid-wall heat transfer coefficients at ports A and B.

The heat transfer coefficient at port A is


while at port B it is



  • NuA and NuB are the Nusselt numbers at ports A and B.

  • kA and kB are the thermal conductivities at ports A and B.

  • Dh,heat is the hydraulic diameter for heat transfer calculations.

The hydraulic diameter used in heat transfer calculations is defined as



  • Lheat is the flow path length used in heat transfer calculations.

  • Sheat is the total heat transfer surface area.

Nusselt Number Calculations

The Nusselt number calculation depends on the Heat transfer coefficient specification setting in the block dialog box. If the heat transfer specification is set to Correlation for flow inside tubes, the Nusselt number at port A is


while at port B it is



  • NuL is the Nusselt number for laminar flow heat transfer value specified in the block dialog box.

  • PrA and PrB are the Prandtl numbers at ports A and B.

If the heat transfer specification is set to Tabulated data — Colburn data vs. Reynolds number, the Nusselt number at port A is


while at port B it is



  • j(ReA,heat) and j(ReB,heat) are the Colburn numbers at ports A and B. The block obtains the Colburn numbers from tabulated data provided as a function of the Reynolds number.

  • ReA,heat and ReB,heat are the Reynolds numbers based on the hydraulic diameters for heat transfer calculations at ports A and B. This parameter is defined at port A as


    and at port B as


If the heat transfer specification is set to Tabulated data — Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number and Prandtl number, the Nusselt number at port A is


while at port B it is


Hydraulic Diameter Calculations

The hydraulic diameter used in heat transfer calculations can differ from the hydraulic diameter employed in pressure loss calculations, and are different if the heated and friction perimeters are not the same. For a concentric pipe heat exchanger with an annular cross-section, the hydraulic diameter for heat transfer calculations is


while the hydraulic diameter for pressure calculations is



  • Do is the outer annulus diameter.

  • Di is the inner annulus diameter.

Annulus Schematic

The difference between the outer diameter and the inner diameter depicted in orange represents the thermal liquid. The blue region within the inner diameter is the fluid that exchanges heat with the thermal liquid.



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Physical signal output port for the thermal capacity rate of the thermal liquid.

Physical signal output port for the heat transfer coefficient between the thermal liquid and the interface wall.


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Thermal liquid conserving port representing the thermal liquid inlet.

Thermal liquid conserving port representing the thermal liquid outlet.

Thermal conserving port associated with the thermal liquid inlet temperature.


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Smallest total cross-sectional flow area between inlet and outlet. If the channel is a collection of ducts, tubes, slots, or grooves, the value of this parameter is the sum of the smallest areas at the minimum flow area point. This parameter is the area where the fluid velocity is highest. For example, if the fluid flows perpendicular to a bank of tubes, the value of this parameter is the sum of the gaps between the tubes in one cross-section where the sum of the gaps is smallest is smallest.

Hydraulic diameter of the tubes or channels comprising the heat exchange interface. The hydraulic diameter is the ratio of the flow cross-sectional area to the channel perimeter.

Total volume of the fluid contained in the thermal liquid flow channel.

Start of the transition from the laminar regime to the turbulent regime. Above this number, inertial forces become increasingly dominant. The default value is given for circular pipes and tubes with smooth surfaces.

End of the transition from the laminar regime to the turbulent regime. Below this number, viscous forces become increasingly dominant.

Mathematical model for pressure loss due to friction. This setting determines which expressions to use for calculation and which block parameters to specify as input. See the Heat Exchanger Interface (TL) blocks for the calculations by parameterization.

Aggregate loss coefficient for all flow resistances in the flow channel, including wall friction (major losses) and local resistances due to bends, elbows, and other geometry changes (minor losses).

The loss coefficient is an empirical, dimensionless number used to express the pressure losses due to friction. It can be calculated from experimental data or obtained from product data sheets.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Pressure loss coefficient.

Total distance the flow must travel between the ports. In multi-pass shell-and-tube exchangers, the total distance is the sum over all shell passes. In tube bundles, corrugated plates, and other channels where the flow is split into parallel branches, it is the distance covered in a single branch. The longer the flow path, the steeper the major pressure loss due to friction at the wall.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Correlation for flow inside tubes or Tabulated data - Darcy friction factor vs Reynolds number.

Aggregate minor pressure loss, expressed as a length. The length of a straight channel results in equivalent losses to the sum of existing local resistances from elbows, tees, and unions. The larger the equivalent length, the steeper the minor pressure loss due to the local resistances.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Correlation for flow inside tubes.

Average height of all surface defects on the internal surface of the pipe. The surface roughness enables the calculation of the friction factor in the turbulent flow regime.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Correlation for flow inside tubes.

Pressure loss correction for laminar flow. This parameter is referred to as the shape factor, and can be used to derive the Darcy friction factor for pressure loss calculations in the laminar regime. The default value is for cylindrical pipes and tubes.

Some additional shape factors for non-circular cross-sections can be determined from analytical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. A square duct has a shape factor of 56, a rectangular duct with an aspect ratio of 2:1 has a shape factor of 62, and an annular tube has a shape factor of 96. A slender conduit between parallel plates also has a shape factor of 96.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Correlation for flow inside tubes.

Vector of Reynolds numbers at which to specify the Darcy friction factor. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Darcy friction factor.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Tabulated data - Darcy friction factor vs. Reynolds number.

Vector of Darcy friction factors corresponding to the values specified in the Reynolds number vector for Darcy friction factor parameter. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Darcy friction factor.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Tabulated data - Darcy friction factor vs. Reynolds number.

Vector of Reynolds numbers at which to specify the Euler number. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Euler number.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Tabulated data - Euler number vs. Reynolds number.

Vector of Euler numbers corresponding to the values specified in the Reynolds number vector for Euler number parameter. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Euler number.


To enable this parameter, set Pressure loss model to Tabulated data - Euler number vs. Reynolds number.

Parameterization used to compute the heat transfer rate between the heat exchanger fluids. You can assume a constant pressure loss coefficient, use empirical correlation for flow inside tubes, or specify tabulated data for the Colburn or Nusselt number.

Heat transfer coefficient between the thermal liquid and the heat-transfer surface.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Constant heat transfer coefficient.

Aggregate surface area available for heat transfer between the heat exchanger fluids.

Distance traversed by the fluid along which heat exchange takes place.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Tabulated data - Colburn factor vs. Reynolds number or Tabulated data - Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number and Prandtl number.

Proportionality constant between convective and conductive heat transfer in the laminar regime. This parameter enables the calculation of convective heat transfer rates in laminar flows. The appropriate value to use depends on component geometry.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Correlation for flow inside tubes.

Vector of Reynolds numbers at which to specify the Colburn factor. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Colburn number. The number of values in this vector must be equal to the size of the Colburn factor vector parameter to calculate tabulated breakpoints.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Tabulated data - Colburn factor vs. Reynolds number.

Vector of Colburn factors corresponding to the values specified in the Reynolds number vector for Colburn number parameter. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Colburn factor.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Tabulated data - Colburn factor vs. Reynolds number.

Vector of Reynolds numbers at which to specify the Nusselt number. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Nusselt number.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Tabulated data - Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number and Prandtl number.

Vector of Prandtl numbers at which to specify the Nusselt number. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Nusselt number.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Tabulated data - Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number and Prandtl number.

Matrix of Nusselt numbers corresponding to the values specified in the Reynolds number vector for Nusselt number and Prandtl number vector for Nusselt number parameters. The block uses this vector to create a lookup table for the Nusselt factor.


To enable this parameter, set Heat transfer coefficient model to Tabulated data - Nusselt number vs. Reynolds number and Prandtl number.

Empirical parameter used to quantify the increased thermal resistance due to dirt deposits on the heat transfer surface.

Effects and Initial Conditions

Option to model the pressure dynamics inside the heat exchanger. Setting this parameter to Off removes the pressure derivative terms from the component energy and mass conservation equations. The pressure inside the heat exchanger is then reduced to the weighted average of the two port pressures.

Temperature of the internal volume of thermal liquid at the start of simulation.

Pressure of the internal volume of thermal liquid at the start of simulation.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a