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Proprietà degli oggetti grafici

Visualizzare e impostare le proprietà degli oggetti grafici, definire i valori predefiniti

È possibile controllare il comportamento e l'aspetto di un particolare oggetto grafico impostandone le proprietà. Per impostare le proprietà, restituire l'oggetto come argomento di output della funzione che lo crea. Ad esempio, la funzione plot restituisce un oggetto grafico lineare. Utilizzare quindi la notazione a punti per visualizzare e impostare le proprietà.

p = plot(1:10,1:10);
p.LineWidth = 3; 
In alternativa, è possibile impostare le proprietà utilizzando gli argomenti della coppia nome-valore al momento della creazione dell'oggetto, come plot(1:10,1:10,'LineWidth',3). La maggior parte delle funzioni di plottaggio supporta gli argomenti della coppia nome-valore.


espandi tutto

Root PropertiesGraphics environment and state information
Figure PropertiesControl appearance and behavior of figure window
Axes Properties Axes appearance and behavior
PolarAxes PropertiesPolar axes appearance and behavior
GeographicAxes PropertiesGeographic axes appearance and behavior
TiledChartLayout PropertiesTiled chart layout appearance and behavior
Area PropertiesArea chart appearance and behavior
Bar PropertiesBar chart appearance and behavior
BoxChart PropertiesControl box chart appearance and behavior (Da R2020a)
BubbleChart PropertiesBubble chart appearance and behavior (Da R2020b)
BubbleCloud PropertiesBubble cloud appearance and behavior (Da R2021a)
Contour PropertiesContour chart appearance and behavior
ErrorBar PropertiesError bar chart appearance and behavior
DonutChart PropertiesDonut chart appearance and behavior (Da R2023b)
GeographicBubbleChart PropertiesStandalone geographic bubble chart appearance and behavior
HeatmapChart PropertiesHeatmap chart appearance and behavior
Line PropertiesChart line appearance and behavior
ParallelCoordinatesPlot PropertiesControl parallel coordinates plot appearance and behavior
PieChart PropertiesPie chart appearance and behavior (Da R2023b)
Quiver PropertiesQuiver chart appearance and behavior
Scatter PropertiesScatter chart appearance and behavior
ScatterHistogramChart PropertiesControl scatter histogram chart appearance and behavior
StackedAxesProperties PropertiesAppearance and behavior of individual axes in stacked plot
StackedLineChart PropertiesStacked plot appearance and behavior
StackedLineProperties PropertiesAppearance and behavior of individual lines in stacked plot
Stair PropertiesStair chart appearance and behavior
Stem PropertiesStem chart appearance and behavior
Surface PropertiesChart surface appearance and behavior
WordCloudChart PropertiesControl word cloud chart appearance and behavior
AnimatedLine PropertiesLine animation appearance and behavior
Image PropertiesImage appearance and behavior
Light PropertiesLight appearance and behavior
Line PropertiesPrimitive line appearance and behavior
Patch PropertiesPatch appearance and behavior
Polygon PropertiesPolygon appearance and behavior
Rectangle PropertiesRectangle appearance and behavior
Surface PropertiesPrimitive surface appearance and behavior
Text PropertiesAxes text appearance and behavior
FunctionLine PropertiesLine chart appearance and behavior
ImplicitFunctionLine PropertiesImplicit line chart appearance and behavior
ParameterizedFunctionLine PropertiesParameterized line chart appearance and behavior
FunctionContour PropertiesFunction contour chart appearance and behavior
FunctionSurface PropertiesSurface chart appearance and behavior
ImplicitFunctionSurface PropertiesImplicit surface chart appearance and behavior
ParameterizedFunctionSurface PropertiesParameterized surface chart appearance and behavior
Group PropertiesGroup object appearance and behavior
Transform PropertiesTransform object appearance and behavior
ColorBar PropertiesColorbar appearance and behavior
Legend PropertiesLegend appearance and behavior
BubbleLegend PropertiesBubble legend appearance and behavior (Da R2020b)
ConstantLine PropertiesConstant line appearance and behavior
ConstantRegion PropertiesConstant region appearance and behavior (Da R2023a)
PolarRegion PropertiesPolar region appearance and behavior (Da R2024a)
CategoricalRuler PropertiesControl axis with categorical values
DatetimeRuler PropertiesControl axis with datetime values
DurationRuler PropertiesControl axis with duration values
NumericRuler PropertiesControl axis with numeric values
GeographicRuler PropertiesControl axis with geographic values
Arrow PropertiesArrow appearance and behavior
DoubleEndArrow PropertiesDouble end arrow appearance and behavior
Ellipse PropertiesEllipse appearance and behavior
Line PropertiesAnnotation line appearance and behavior
Rectangle PropertiesAnnotation rectangle appearance and behavior
TextArrow PropertiesText arrow appearance and behavior
TextBox PropertiesText box appearance and behavior


getQuery graphics object properties
setSet graphics object properties
resetReset graphics object properties
Ispettore delle proprietàOpen property inspector
