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Grafici di distribuzione dei dati

Istogrammi, grafici a torta, word cloud e altro ancora

Visualizzare la distribuzione dei dati utilizzando grafici come istogrammi, grafici a torta o word cloud. Ad esempio, si può utilizzare un istogramma per raggruppare i dati in bin e visualizzare il numero di elementi in ciascun bin.


espandi tutto

histogramHistogram plot
histogram2Bivariate histogram plot
morebinsIncrease number of histogram bins
fewerbinsDecrease number of histogram bins
histcountsHistogram bin counts
histcounts2Bivariate histogram bin counts
boxchartBox chart (box plot) (Da R2020a)
swarmchartSwarm scatter chart (Da R2020b)
swarmchart33-D swarm scatter chart (Da R2020b)
bubblechartBubble chart (Da R2020b)
bubblechart33-D bubble chart (Da R2020b)
bubblelimMap bubble sizes to data range (Da R2020b)
bubblesizeSet minimum and maximum bubble sizes in points (Da R2020b)
bubblelegendCreate legend for bubble chart (Da R2020b)
scatterScatter plot
scatter33-D scatter plot
binscatterBinned scatter plot
scatterhistogramCreate scatter plot with histograms
spyVisualize sparsity pattern of matrix
plotmatrixScatter plot matrix
parallelplotCreate parallel coordinates plot
donutchartDonut chart (Da R2023b)
piechartPie chart (Da R2023b)
bubblecloudCreate bubble cloud chart (Da R2021a)
wordcloudCreate word cloud chart from text data
heatmapCreate heatmap chart
sortxSort elements in heatmap row
sortySort elements in heatmap column
pieLegacy pie chart
pie33-D pie chart


espandi tutto

Binscatter PropertiesBinscatter appearance and behavior
BoxChart PropertiesControl box chart appearance and behavior (Da R2020a)
BubbleChart PropertiesBubble chart appearance and behavior (Da R2020b)
BubbleCloud PropertiesBubble cloud appearance and behavior (Da R2021a)
BubbleLegend PropertiesBubble legend appearance and behavior (Da R2020b)
DonutChart PropertiesDonut chart appearance and behavior (Da R2023b)
HeatmapChart PropertiesHeatmap chart appearance and behavior
Histogram PropertiesHistogram appearance and behavior
Histogram2 PropertiesBivariate histogram appearance and behavior
Scatter PropertiesScatter chart appearance and behavior
ScatterHistogramChart PropertiesControl scatter histogram chart appearance and behavior
ParallelCoordinatesPlot PropertiesControl parallel coordinates plot appearance and behavior
PieChart PropertiesPie chart appearance and behavior (Da R2023b)
WordCloudChart PropertiesControl word cloud chart appearance and behavior
