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Node Generation and Deployment

Generate C/C++ and CUDA code for ROS or ROS 2 nodes and deploy to local and remote hardware

ROS Toolbox enables you to generate C++ and CUDA® code for ROS or ROS 2 nodes, and deploy them to local or remote device targets. For MATLAB® code that contains ROS interfaces, you can generate C++ code and deploy them as ROS or ROS 2 nodes using MATLAB Coder™ (See Generate a Standalone ROS Node). For Simulink® models, you can generate C++ code using Simulink Coder (See Generate a Standalone ROS Node from Simulink) or optimized CUDA code using GPU Coder™, and deploy them as ROS or ROS 2 nodes.


Deployment of ROS nodes requires transferring files to the target ROS device through an SSH connection. Ensure that OpenSSH is installed on the target ROS device before deployment.
