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Add data element to data interface

Since R2023b


    dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) creates a data element with the name elementName and adds it to the data interface specified by dataInterfaceObj.



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    This example shows how to add, get, and remove data elements from a data interface.

    Use the function to open an existing data dictionary. This creates a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object, archDataObj.

    archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")
    archDataObj = 
      ArchitecturalData with properties:
        DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
                Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
                 DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
                 Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

    The data dictionary contains one data interface definition.

    interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")
    interfaceObj = 
      DataInterface with properties:
               Name: 'DataInterface'
        Description: ''
           Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
              Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

    Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe parts of a data interface. This interface definitions contains two data elements.

    ans = 
      DataElement with properties:
               Name: 'Element1'
               Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
        Description: ''
         Dimensions: '1'
              Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
    ans = 
      DataElement with properties:
               Name: 'Element2'
               Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
        Description: ''
         Dimensions: '1'
              Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

    Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

    dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj,"element3")
    dataElem1 = 
      DataElement with properties:
               Name: 'element3'
               Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
        Description: ''
         Dimensions: '1'
              Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

    You can get an existing data element using the getElement function.

    dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element3")
    dataElem3 = 
      DataElement with properties:
               Name: 'element3'
               Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
        Description: ''
         Dimensions: '1'
              Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

    Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.


    Input Arguments

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    Data interface object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

    Name of data element to add to dataInterfaceObj object, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    Example: "myElement"

    Output Arguments

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    Data element object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b