Linear approximation of Simulink model or subsystem
returns a linear approximation of the nonlinear Simulink® model linsys
= linearize(model
at the model operating point
using the analysis points specified in io
. Using
, you can specify individual analysis points or you
can specify a block or subsystem to linearize. If you omit
, then linearize
uses the
root-level inports and outports of the model as analysis points.
specifies the order of the states in the linearized model for any of the
previous syntaxes.linsys
= linearize(___,'StateOrder',stateorder
Linearize Model Using Specified I/O Set
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'watertank';
Specify a linearization input at the output of the PID Controller block, which is the input signal for the Water-Tank System block.
io(1) = linio('watertank/PID Controller',1,'input');
Specify a linearization output point at the output of the Water-Tank System block. Specifying the output point as open-loop removes the effects of the feedback signal on the linearization without changing the model operating point.
io(2) = linio('watertank/Water-Tank System',1,'openoutput');
Linearize the model using the specified I/O set.
linsys = linearize(mdl,io);
is the linear approximation of the plant at the model operating point.
Linearize Model at Specified Operating Point
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'magball';
Find a steady-state operating point at which the ball height is 0.05
. Create a default operating point specification, and set the height state to a known value.
opspec = operspec(mdl); opspec.States(5).Known = 1; opspec.States(5).x = 0.05;
Trim the model to find the operating point.
options = findopOptions('DisplayReport','off'); op = findop(mdl,opspec,options);
Specify linearization input and output signals to compute the closed-loop transfer function.
io(1) = linio('magball/Desired Height',1,'input'); io(2) = linio('magball/Magnetic Ball Plant',1,'output');
Linearize the model at the specified operating point using the specified I/O set.
linsys = linearize(mdl,io,op);
Linearize Model at Simulation Snapshot Time
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'watertank';
To compute the closed-loop transfer function, first specify the linearization input and output signals.
io(1) = linio('watertank/PID Controller',1,'input'); io(2) = linio('watertank/Water-Tank System',1,'output');
Simulate sys
for 10
seconds and linearize the model.
linsys = linearize(mdl,io,10);
Batch Linearize Model for Parameter Variations
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'scdcascade';
Specify parameter variations for the outer-loop controller gains, Kp1
and Ki1
. Create parameter grids for each gain value.
Kp1_range = linspace(Kp1*0.8,Kp1*1.2,6); Ki1_range = linspace(Ki1*0.8,Ki1*1.2,4); [Kp1_grid,Ki1_grid] = ndgrid(Kp1_range,Ki1_range);
Create a parameter value structure with fields Name
and Value
params(1).Name = 'Kp1'; params(1).Value = Kp1_grid; params(2).Name = 'Ki1'; params(2).Value = Ki1_grid;
is a 6-by-4 parameter value grid, where each grid point corresponds to a unique combination of Kp1
and Ki1
Define linearization input and output points for computing the closed-loop response of the system.
io(1) = linio('scdcascade/setpoint',1,'input'); io(2) = linio('scdcascade/Sum',1,'output');
Linearize the model at the model operating point using the specified parameter values.
linsys = linearize(mdl,io,params);
Specify Substitute Block Linearization and Linearize Model
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'scdpwm';
Extract linearization input and output from the model.
io = getlinio(mdl);
Linearize the model at the model operating point.
linsys = linearize(mdl,io)
linsys = D = Step Plant Model 0 Static gain.
The discontinuities in the Voltage to PWM block cause the model to linearize to zero. To treat this block as a unit gain during linearization, specify a substitute linearization for this block.
blocksub.Name = 'scdpwm/Voltage to PWM';
blocksub.Value = 1;
Linearize the model using the specified block substitution.
linsys = linearize(mdl,blocksub,io)
linsys = A = State Space( State Space( State Space( 0.9999 -0.0001 State Space( 0.0001 1 B = Step State Space( 0.0001 State Space( 5e-09 C = State Space( State Space( Plant Model 0 1 D = Step Plant Model 0 Sample time: 0.0001 seconds Discrete-time state-space model.
Specify Sample Time of Linearized Model
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'watertank';
To linearize the Water-Tank System block, specify a linearization input and output.
io(1) = linio('watertank/PID Controller',1,'input'); io(2) = linio('watertank/Water-Tank System',1,'openoutput');
Create a linearization option set, and specify the sample time for the linearized model.
options = linearizeOptions('SampleTime',0.1);
Linearize the plant using the specified options.
linsys = linearize(mdl,io,options)
linsys = A = H H 0.995 B = PID Controll H 0.02494 C = H Water-Tank S 1 D = PID Controll Water-Tank S 0 Sample time: 0.1 seconds Discrete-time state-space model.
The linearized plant is a discrete-time state-space model with a sample time of 0.1
Linearize Block or Subsystem at Model Operating Point
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'watertank';
Specify the full block path for the block you want to linearize.
blockpath = 'watertank/Water-Tank System';
Linearize the specified block at the model operating point.
linsys = linearize(mdl,blockpath);
Linearize Block or Subsystem at Trimmed Operating Point
Open Simulink model.
mdl = 'magball';
Find a steady-state operating point at which the ball height is 0.05
. Create a default operating point specification, and set the height state to a known value.
opspec = operspec(mdl); opspec.States(5).Known = 1; opspec.States(5).x = 0.05;
options = findopOptions('DisplayReport','off'); op = findop(mdl,opspec,options);
Specify the block path for the block you want to linearize.
blockpath = 'magball/Magnetic Ball Plant';
Linearize the specified block at the specified operating point.
linsys = linearize(mdl,blockpath,op);
Specify State Order in Linearized Model
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'magball';
Linearize the plant at the model operating point.
blockpath = 'magball/Magnetic Ball Plant';
linsys = linearize(mdl,blockpath);
View the default state order for the linearized plant.
ans = 3x1 cell array {'height' } {'Current'} {'dhdt' }
Linearize the plant and reorder the states in the linearized model. Set the rate of change of the height as the second state.
stateorder = {'magball/Magnetic Ball Plant/height';... 'magball/Magnetic Ball Plant/dhdt';... 'magball/Magnetic Ball Plant/Current'}; linsys = linearize(mdl,blockpath,'StateOrder',stateorder);
View the new state order.
ans = 3x1 cell array {'height' } {'dhdt' } {'Current'}
Linearize Model at Multiple Snapshot Times
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'watertank';
To compute the closed-loop transfer function, first specify the linearization input and output signals.
io(1) = linio('watertank/PID Controller',1,'input'); io(2) = linio('watertank/Water-Tank System',1,'output');
Simulate sys
and linearize the model at 0
and 10
seconds. Return the operating points that correspond to these snapshot times; that is, the operating points at which the model was linearized.
[linsys,linop] = linearize(mdl,io,[0,10]);
Batch Linearize Plant Model and Obtain Linearization Offsets
Open the Simulink model.
mdl = 'watertank';
Vary parameters A
and b
within 10% of their nominal values.
[A_grid,b_grid] = ndgrid(linspace(0.9*A,1.1*A,3),...
Create a parameter structure array, specifying the name and grid points for each parameter.
params(1).Name = 'A'; params(1).Value = A_grid; params(2).Name = 'b'; params(2).Value = b_grid;
Create a default operating point specification for the model.
opspec = operspec(mdl);
Trim the model using the specified operating point specification, parameter grid. Suppress the display of the operating point search report.
opt = findopOptions('DisplayReport','off'); [op,opreport] = findop(mdl,opspec,params,opt);
is a 3-by-4 array of operating point objects that correspond to the specified parameter grid points.
Specify the block path for the plant model.
blockpath = 'watertank/Desired Water Level';
To store offsets during linearization, create a linearization option set and set StoreOffsets
to true
options = linearizeOptions('StoreOffsets',true);
Batch linearize the plant at the trimmed operating points, using the specified I/O points and parameter variations.
[linsys,linop,info] = linearize(mdl,blockpath,op,params,options);
You can use the offsets in info.Offsets
when configuring an LPV System block.
ans = 3x4 struct array with fields: x dx u y StateName InputName OutputName Ts
Input Arguments
— Simulink model name
character vector | string
Simulink model name, specified as a character vector or string. The model must be in the current working folder or on the MATLAB path.
— Analysis points
linearization I/O object | vector of linearization I/O objects | string | character vector
Analysis points for linearizing model, specified as one of the following:
Linearization I/O object or a vector of linearization I/O objects — Specify a list of one or more inputs, outputs, and loop openings. To create the list of analysis points:
String or character vector — Specify the full path of a block or subsystem to linearize. The software treats the inports and outports of the specified block as open-loop inputs and outputs, which isolates the block from the rest of the model before linearization.
The analysis points defined in io
must correspond to
the Simulink model model
or some normal-mode model
reference in the model hierarchy.
If you omit io
, then linearize
uses the root-level inports and outports of the model as analysis
For more information on specifying linearization inputs, outputs, and openings, see Specify Portion of Model to Linearize.
— Operating point
object | array of OperatingPoint
objects | vector of positive scalars
Operating point for linearization, specified as one of the following:
object, created using:Array of
objects, specifying multiple operating points. To create an array ofOperatingPoint
objects, you can:Extract operating points at multiple snapshot times using
.Batch trim your model using multiple operating point specifications. For more information, see Batch Compute Steady-State Operating Points for Multiple Specifications.
Batch trim your model using parameter variations. For more information, see Batch Compute Steady-State Operating Points for Parameter Variation.
Vector of positive scalars representing one or more simulation snapshot times. The software simulates
and linearizes the model at the specified snapshot times.If you also specify parameter variations using
, the software simulates the model for each snapshot time and parameter grid point combination. This operation can be computationally expensive.
If you specify parameter variations using param
and the parameters:
Affect the model operating point, then specify
as an array of operating points with the same dimensions as the parameter value grid. To obtain the operating points that correspond to the parameter value combinations, batch trim your model usingparam
before linearization. For more information, see Batch Linearize Model at Multiple Operating Points Derived from Parameter Variations.Do not affect the model operating point, then specify
as a single operating point.
— Substitute linearizations for blocks and subsystems
structure | structure array
Substitute linearizations for blocks and subsystems, specified
as a structure or an n-by-1 structure array, where n is
the number of blocks for which you want to specify a linearization.
Use blocksub
to specify a custom linearization
for a block or subsystem. For example, you can specify linearizations
for blocks that do not have analytic linearizations, such as blocks
with discontinuities or triggered subsystems.
To study the effects of varying the linearization of a block on the model dynamics, you can batch linearize your model by specifying multiple substitute linearizations for a block.
If you substitute a linearization with a sample time that differs from that of the
original block or subsystem, it is best practice to set the overall linearization sample
time (options
) to a nondefault
Each substitute linearization structure has the following fields.
— Block path
character vector | string
Block path of the block for which you want to specify the linearization, specified as a character vector or string.
— Substitute linearization
double | double array | LTI model | model array | structure
Substitute linearization for the block, specified as one of the following:
Double — Specify the linearization of a SISO block as a gain.
Array of doubles — Specify the linearization of a MIMO block as an nu-by-ny array of gain values, where nu is the number of inputs and ny is the number of outputs.
LTI model, uncertain state-space model, or uncertain real object — The I/O configuration of the specified model must match the configuration of the block specified by
. Using an uncertain model requires Robust Control Toolbox™ software.Array of LTI models, uncertain state-space models, or uncertain real objects — Batch linearize the model using multiple block substitutions. The I/O configuration of each model in the array must match the configuration of the block for which you are specifying a custom linearization. If you:
Vary model parameters using
and specifyValue
as a model array, the dimensions ofValue
must match the parameter grid size.Specify
as an array of operating points andValue
as a model array, the dimensions ofValue
must match the size ofop
.Define block substitutions for multiple blocks, and specify
as an array of LTI models for one or more of these blocks, the dimensions of the arrays must match.
Structure with the following fields.
Field Description Specification
Block linearization, specified as a character vector that contains one of the following:
MATLAB expression
Name of a Custom Linearization Function in your current working folder or on the MATLAB path
The specified expression or function must return one of the following:
Linear model in the form of a D-matrix
Control System Toolbox™ LTI model object
Uncertain state-space model or uncertain real object (requires Robust Control Toolbox software)
The I/O configuration of the returned model must match the configuration of the block specified by
Specification type, specified as one of the following:
Linearization function parameter names, specified as a cell array of character vectors. Specify
only whenType = 'Function'
and your block linearization function requires input parameters. These parameters only impact the linearization of the specified block.You must also specify the corresponding
Linearization function parameter values, specified as a vector of doubles. The order of parameter values must correspond to the order of parameter names in
. SpecifyParameterValues
only whenType = 'Function'
and your block linearization function requires input parameters.
— Parameter samples
structure | structure array
Parameter samples for linearization, specified as one of the following:
Structure — Vary the value of a single parameter by specifying parameters as a structure with the following fields.
— Parameter name, specified as a character vector or string. You can specify any model parameter that is a variable in the model workspace, the MATLAB workspace, or a data dictionary. If the variable used by the model is not a scalar variable, specify the parameter name as an expression that resolves to a numeric scalar value. For example, use the first element of vectorV
as a parameter.parameters.Name = 'V(1)';
— Parameter sample values, specified as a double array.
For example, vary the value of parameter
in the 10% range.parameters.Name = 'A'; parameters.Value = linspace(0.9*A,1.1*A,3);
Structure array — Vary the value of multiple parameters. For example, vary the values of parameters
in the 10% range.[A_grid,b_grid] = ndgrid(linspace(0.9*A,1.1*A,3),... linspace(0.9*b,1.1*b,3)); parameters(1).Name = 'A'; parameters(1).Value = A_grid; parameters(2).Name = 'b'; parameters(2).Value = b_grid;
For more information, see Specify Parameter Samples for Batch Linearization.
If param
specifies tunable parameters only,
the software batch linearizes the model using a single model compilation.
To compute the offsets required by the LPV
System block, specify param
, and set options.StoreOffsets
to true
You can then return additional linearization information in info
and extract the offsets using getOffsetsForLPV
— State order in linearization results
cell array of character vectors
State order in linearization results, specified as a cell array of block paths or state names.
The order of the block paths and states in stateorder
indicates the order of the states in linsys
You can specify block paths for any blocks in model
that have states, or
any named states in model
You do not have to specify every block and state from model
. The states you specify appear first in
, followed by the remaining states in their
default order.
— Linearization algorithm options
option set
Linearization algorithm options, specified as a linearizeOptions
option set.
Output Arguments
— Linearization result
state-space model | array of state-space models
Linearization result, returned as a state-space model or an array of state-space models.
For most models, linsys
is returned as an ss
object or an array of
objects. However, if model
contains one of the following blocks in the linearization path defined by
, then linsys
returns the
specified type of state-space model.
Block | linsys Type |
Block with a substitution specified as a
genss object or tunable model
object | genss |
Block with a substitution specified as an uncertain
model, such as uss | uss (Robust Control Toolbox) |
Sparse Second Order block | mechss |
Descriptor State-Space block configured to linearize to a sparse model | sparss |
The dimensions of linsys
depend on the specified
parameter variations and block substitutions, and the operating points at
which you linearize the model.
If you specify more than one of op
, or blocksub.Value
an array, then their dimensions must match.
Parameter Variation | Block Substitution | Linearize At... | Resulting linsys
Dimensions |
No parameter variation | No block substitution | Model operating point | Single state-space model |
Single operating point, specified as an
OperatingPoint object or snapshot time
using op | |||
N1-by-... -by-Nm
array of OperatingPoint objects, specified
by op | N1-by-... -by-Nm | ||
Ns snapshots,
specified as a vector of snapshot times using
op | Column vector of length Ns | ||
N1-by-... -by-Nm
model array for at least one block, specified by
blocksub.Value | Model operating point | N1-by-... -by-Nm | |
Single operating point, specified as an
OperatingPoint object or snapshot time
using op | |||
N1-by-... -by-Nm
array of operating points, specified as an array of
OperatingPoint objects using
op | |||
Ns snapshots,
specified as a vector of snapshot times using
op | Ns-by-N1-by-... -by-Nm | ||
N1-by-... -by-Nm
parameter grid, specified by
param | Either no block substitution or an
N1-by-... -by-Nm
model array for at least one block, specified by
blocksub.Value | Model operating point | N1-by-... -by-Nm |
Single operating point, specified as an
OperatingPoint object or snapshot time
using op | |||
N1-by-... -by-Nm
array of OperatingPoint objects, specified
by op | |||
Ns snapshots,
specified as a vector of snapshot times using
op | Ns-by-N1-by-... -by-Nm |
For example, suppose:
is a 4-by-3 array ofOperatingPoint
objects and you do not specify parameter variations or block substitutions. In this case,linsys
is a 4-by-3 model array.op
is a singleOperatingPoint
object andparam
specifies a 3-by-4-by-2 parameter grid. In this case,linsys
is a 3-by-4-by-2 model array.op
is a row vector of positive scalars with two elements and you do not specifyparam
. In this case,linsys
is a column vector with two elements.op
is a column vector of positive scalars with three elements andparam
specifies a 5-by-6 parameter grid. In this case,linsys
is a 3-by-5-by-6 model array.op
is a single operating point object, you do not specify parameter variations, andblocksub.Value
is a 2-by-3 model array for one block in the model. In this case,linsys
is a 2-by-3 model array.op
is a column vector of positive scalars with four elements, you do not specify parameter variations, andblocksub.Value
is a 1-by-2 model array for one block in the model. In this case,linsys
is a 4-by-1-by-2 model array.
For more information on model arrays, see Model Arrays.
— Operating point
object | array of OperatingPoint
Operating point at which the model was linearized, returned as an
object or an array of
objects with the same dimensions as
. Each element of linop
is the operating point at which the corresponding
model was obtained.
If you specify op
as a single OperatingPoint
object or
an array of OperatingPoint
objects, then
is a copy of op
. If you
specify op
as a single operating point object and also
specify parameter variations using param
, then
is an array with the same dimensions as the
parameter grid. In this case, the elements of linop
scalar expanded copies of op
To determine whether the model was linearized at a reasonable
operating point, view the states and inputs in linop
— Linearization information
Linearization information, returned as a structure with the following fields:
— Linearization offsets
(default) | structure | structure array
Linearization offsets that correspond to the operating point
at which the model was linearized, returned as []
if options.StoreOffsets
is false
Otherwise, Offsets
is returned as one of the following:
is a single state-space model, thenOffsets
is a structure.If
is an array of state-space models, thenOffsets
is a structure array with the same dimensions aslinsys
Each offset structure has the following fields:
Field | Description |
x | State offsets used for linearization, returned as a column vector of length
nx, where
nx is the number of states in
linsys . |
y | Output offsets used for linearization, returned as a column vector of length
ny, where
ny is the number of outputs in
linsys . |
u | Input offsets used for linearization, returned as a column vector of length
nu, where
nu is the number of inputs in
linsys . |
dx | Derivative offsets for continuous time systems or updated state values for discrete-time systems, returned as a column vector of length nx. |
StateName | State names, returned as a cell array that contains
nx elements that match the names
in linsys.StateName . |
InputName | Input names, returned as a cell array that contains
nu elements that match the names
in linsys.InputName . |
OutputName | Output names, returned as a cell array that contains
ny elements that match the names
in linsys.OutputName . |
Ts | Sample time of the linearized system, returned as a scalar that matches the sample time in
linsys.Ts . For continuous-time systems,
Ts is 0 . |
If Offsets
is a structure array, you can
configure an LPV System block using
the offsets. To do so, first convert them to the required format using getOffsetsForLPV
. For an example, see Approximate Nonlinear Behavior Using Array of LTI Systems.
— Linearization diagnostic information
(default) | LinearizationAdvisor
object | array of LinearizationAdvisor
Linearization diagnostic information, returned as
. Otherwise,
is returned as one of the
is a single state-space model,Advisor
is aLinearizationAdvisor
is an array of state-space models,Advisor
is an array ofLinearizationAdvisor
objects with the same dimensions aslinsys
objects store
linearization diagnostic information for individual linearized
blocks. For an example of troubleshooting linearization results
using a LinearizationAdvisor
object, see Troubleshoot Linearization Results at Command Line.
Linearization is not supported for model hierarchies that contain referenced models configured to use a local solver.
Linearization is not supported for Simscape™ networks configured to use a local solver.
More About
Custom Linearization Function
You can specify a substitute linearization for a block or subsystem in your Simulink model using a custom function on the MATLAB path.
Your custom linearization function must have one BlockData
argument, which is a structure that the software creates and passes
to the function. BlockData
has the following fields:
Field | Description | ||||||||
BlockName | Name of the block for which you are specifying a custom linearization. | ||||||||
Parameters | Block parameter values, specified as a structure array with Name and Value fields. Parameters contains
the names and values of the parameters you specify in the blocksub.Value.ParameterNames and blocksub.Value.ParameterValues fields. | ||||||||
Inputs |
Input signals to the block for which you are defining a linearization,
specified as a structure array with one structure for each block input.
Each structure in
| ||||||||
ny | Number of output channels of the block linearization. | ||||||||
nu | Number of input channels of the block linearization. | ||||||||
BlockLinearization | Current default linearization of the block, specified as a
state-space model. You can specify a block linearization that depends
on the default linearization using BlockLinearization . |
Your custom function must return a model with nu
and ny
outputs. This model must be one of the following:
Linear model in the form of a D-matrix
Control System Toolbox LTI model object
Uncertain state-space model or uncertain real object (requires Robust Control Toolbox software)
For example, the following function multiplies the current default block linearization, by a
delay of Td = 0.5
seconds. The delay is represented by a Thiran filter
with sample time Ts = 0.1
. The delay and sample time are parameters
stored in BlockData
function sys = myCustomFunction(BlockData) Td = BlockData.Parameters(1).Value; Ts = BlockData.Parameters(2).Value; sys = BlockData.BlockLinearization*Thiran(Td,Ts); end
Save this function to a location on the MATLAB path.
To use this function as a custom linearization for a block or subsystem, specify the
blocksub.Value.Specification = 'myCustomFunction'; blocksub.Value.Type = 'Function';
To set the delay and sample time parameter values, specify the blocksub.Value.ParameterNames
and blocksub.Value.ParameterValues
blocksub.Value.ParameterNames = {'Td','Ts'}; blocksub.Value.ParameterValues = [0.5 0.1];
Model Properties for Linearization
By default, linearize
automatically sets the following Simulink model properties.
BufferReuse = 'off'
BlockReductionOpt = 'off'
SaveFormat = 'StructureWithTime'
After linearization, Simulink restores the original model properties.
Block-by-Block Linearization
Simulink Control Design™ software linearizes models using a block-by-block approach. The software individually linearizes each block in your Simulink model and produces the linearization of the overall system by combining the individual block linearizations.
The software determines the input and state levels for each block from the operating point, and obtains the Jacobian for each block at these levels.
For some blocks, the software cannot compute an analytical linearization in this manner. For example:
Some nonlinearities do not have a defined Jacobian.
Some discrete blocks, such as state charts and triggered subsystems, tend to linearize to zero.
Some blocks do not implement a Jacobian.
Custom blocks, such as S-Function blocks and MATLAB Function blocks, do not have analytical Jacobians.
You can specify a custom linearization for any such blocks for which you know the expected linearization. If you do not specify a custom linearization, the software linearizes the model by perturbing the block inputs and states and measuring the response to these perturbations. For each input and state, the default perturbation level is:
for double-precision values.
for single-precision values.
Here, x is the value of the corresponding input or state at the operating point. For information on how to change perturbation levels for individual blocks, see Change Perturbation Level of Blocks Perturbed During Linearization.
For more information, see Linearize Nonlinear Models and Exact Linearization Algorithm.
Full-Model Numerical Perturbation
You can linearize your system using full-model numerical perturbation, where the software
computes the linearization of the full model by perturbing the values of root-level inputs
and states. To do so, create a linearizeOptions
object and set the
property to one of the following:
— Perturb the inputs and states using forward differences; that is, by adding perturbations to the input and state values. This perturbation method is typically faster than the'numericalpert2'
— Perturb the inputs and states using central differences; that is, by perturbing the input and state values in both positive and negative directions. This perturbation method is typically more accurate than the'numericalpert'
For each input and state, the software perturbs the model and computes a linear model based on
the model response to these perturbations. You can configure the state and input
perturbation levels using the NumericalPertRel
Block-by-block linearization has several advantages over full-model numerical perturbation:
Most Simulink blocks have a preprogrammed linearization that provides an exact linearization of the block.
You can use linear analysis points to specify a portion of the model to linearize.
You can configure blocks to use custom linearizations without affecting your model simulation.
Structurally nonminimal states are automatically removed.
You can specify linearizations that include uncertainty (requires Robust Control Toolbox software).
You can obtain detailed diagnostic information.
When linearizing multirate models, you can use different rate conversion methods. Full-model numerical perturbation can only use zero-order-hold rate conversion.
For more information, see Linearize Nonlinear Models and Exact Linearization Algorithm.
As an alternative to the linearize
function, you can linearize models
using one of the following methods.
To interactively linearize models, use the Model Linearizer app. For an example, see Linearize Simulink Model at Model Operating Point.
To obtain multiple transfer functions without modifying the model or creating an analysis point set for each transfer function, use an
interface. For an example, see Vary Parameter Values and Obtain Multiple Transfer Functions.
Although both Simulink
Control Design software and the Simulink
function perform block-by-block
linearization, Simulink
Control Design linearization functionality has a more flexible user interface and uses
Control System Toolbox numerical algorithms. For more information, see Linearization Using Simulink Control Design Versus Simulink.
Version History
Introduced in R2006aR2020b: Linearize Simulink model to a sparse state-space model
You can linearize and obtain a sparse model from a Simulink model that contains a Sparse Second Order or Descriptor State-Space block.
model when you use a Sparse Second Order in your Simulink model.sparss
model when you use a Descriptor State-Space block and select the Linearize to sparse model block parameter.
For more information, see Sparse Model Basics. For an example, see Linearize Simulink Model to a Sparse Second-Order Model Object.
R2016b: Compute operating point offsets for model inputs, outputs, states, and state derivatives during linearization
You can compute operating point offsets for model inputs, outputs, states, and state derivatives when linearizing Simulink models. Thee offsets streamline the creation of linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems.
To obtain operating point offsets, first create a linearizeOptions
object and set the
option to true
. Then,
linearize the model.
You can extract the offsets from the info
output argument and
convert them into the required format for the LPV System block using the getOffsetsForLPV
R2014a: Block substitution input argument
You can specify a substitute linearization for a Simulink block or subsystem using the blocksub
argument of the linearize
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