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Magic Formula Tire Force and Torque

Apply steady-state tire force and torque by using Magic Formula tire equations

Since R2021b

  • Magic Formula Tire Force and Torque block

Simscape / Multibody / Forces and Torques


The Magic Formula Tire Force and Torque block implements the combined slip steady-state Magic Formula model and can optionally include turn slip effects [1]. You can use the block for tires that have square-like cross-sections, such as the tires of passenger cars, trucks, and off-road vehicles.

The block calculates only the tire force and torque. To model the geometry and inertia properties of the tire, you must use a solid block, such as the Cylindrical Solid block. The Magic Formula tire model assumes that tires are disks, as shown in the diagram.

The follower frame is at the center of the tire and rotates with the tire. The contact frame is at the contact point between the tire and the contact surface. The tire block has two methods to compute the location and orientation of the contact frame. For scenarios that require only single-point contact, use the closest point method. For driving conditions that require multiple-point contacts, use the weighted penetration method. For more information, see Contact Frame Method.

The image shows the contact and follower frames of the tire at zero configuration.

The yaw, camber, and spin angles correspond to a y-x-z sequence rotation about the follower frame of the tire.

To specify the properties of a tire model, generate a scalar structure array by using the simscape.multibody.tirread function and enter the array in the Tire Parameters parameter. The structure array must include all the necessary tire parameters, while any extra parameters are ignored in the tire modeling. For the list of required parameters, see Required Tire Parameters. The block uses the ISO sign conventions.

To specify the side of the vehicle to which a tire is mounted, use the Tire Side parameter. Specifying the wrong side can lead to unexpected simulation results. To correctly orient the tires on a vehicle, you must align the z-axes of the follower frames with the blue arrows shown in the diagram.

The z-axes of the follower frames for tires

The signal output by the con port indicates whether the tire and the contact surface have a valid contact. If the tire and the surface are not in contact or the contact is not valid, all sensed outputs, such as the tire force, tire torque, and slip angle, become zero.



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Base geometry that represents the surface that the tire contacts. The contact surface can move or be fixed relative to the world frame. You must connect this port to an Infinite Plane or Grid Surface block.


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Follower frame that represents the tire. The frame origin is located at the center of the tire.


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Physical signal port that accepts the scaling factor of the longitudinal friction coefficient of the tire.


To enable this port, under Scaling Coefficients, set LMUX to Provided by Input.

Physical signal port that accepts the scaling factor of the lateral friction coefficient of the tire.


To enable this port, under Scaling Coefficients, set LMUY to Provided by Input.


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Physical signal output port that provides a signal to determine whether the tire and contact surface have a valid contact. When they are in contact and the contact is valid, the signal equals 1, otherwise the signal equals 0.

If the follower frame is below the contact surface, the tire and the surface have an invalid contact and the block does not apply force and torque to the tire.


To enable this port, under Sensing, select Contact Signal.


Physical signal output port that provides the magic formula tire force that is applied to the contact frame of the block. The output contains three parts:

  • Fx is the longitudinal force tangential to the contact surface at the contact point.

  • Fy is the lateral force which is orthogonal to the plane defined by Fx and Fz.

  • Fz is the normal force that is normal to the contact surface at the contact point.

The block resolves the force in the follower frame of the tire if you set the Resolution Frame parameter to Follower.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Force/Torque, select Tire Force.

Physical signal output port that provides the magic formula tire torque that is applied to the contact frame of the block. The output contains three parts:

  • Mx is the overturning moment.

  • My is the rolling resistance moment.

  • Mz is the aligning torque.

The block resolves the torque in the follower frame of the tire if you set the Resolution Frame parameter to Follower.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Force/Torque, select Tire Torque.

Physical signal output port that provides the distance from the contact point to the point of the resultant lateral force. The value has a unit of length.

You can use the pneumatic trail to compute the aligning torque, Mz.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Force/Torque, select Pneumatic Trail.


Physical signal output port that provides the ratio of the longitudinal slip velocity to the longitudinal speed of the tire.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Slip, select Longitudinal Slip.

Physical signal output port that provides the longitudinal slip saturated to always be within the limits defined by the KPUMIN and KPUMAX parameters.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Slip, select Saturated Longitudinal Slip.

Physical signal output port that provides the angle of the right triangle made by the lateral slip velocity, Vsy and the longitudinal speed, Vx. The value has a unit of angle.

Slip angle illustration


To enable this port, under Sensing > Slip, select Slip Angle.

Physical signal output port that provides the slip angle saturated to always be within the limits defined by the ALPMIN and ALPMAX parameters. The value has a unit of angle.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Slip, select Saturated Slip Angle.

Physical signal output port that provides the ratio of the tire yaw velocity to the magnitude of the tire velocity in the xy-plane of the contact frame. The value has a unit of angle/length.

Turn slip is useful when modeling low speed cornering, such as parking maneuvers.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Slip, select Turn Slip.

Linear Velocity

Physical signal output port that provides the component of the relative velocity between the follower frame and the contact point on the base geometry along the x-direction of the contact frame. The value has a unit of length/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Linear Velocity, select Relative Longitudinal Velocity.

Physical signal output port that provides the component of the relative velocity between the follower frame and the contact point on the base geometry along the y-direction of the contact frame. The value has a unit of length/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Linear Velocity, select Relative Lateral Velocity.

Physical signal output port that provides the component of the relative velocity between the slip point on the tire and the coincident point on the base geometry along the x-direction of the contact frame. The value has a unit of length/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Linear Velocity, select Longitudinal Slip Velocity.

Physical signal output port that provides the component of the relative velocity between the slip point on the tire and the coincident point on the base geometry along the y-direction of the contact frame. The value has a unit of length/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Linear Velocity, select Lateral Slip Velocity.


Physical signal output port that provides the first derivative of the yaw angle. The value has a unit of angle/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Yaw, select Velocity.


Physical signal output port that provides the camber angle of the tire. The value has a unit of angle.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Camber, select Angle.

Physical signal output port that provides the camber angle of the tire saturated to always be within the limits defined by the CAMMIN and CAMMAX parameters. The value has a unit of angle.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Camber, select Angle.

Physical signal output port that provides the first derivative of the camber angle. The value has a unit of angle/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Camber, select Velocity.


Physical signal output port that provides the first derivative of the spin angle. The value has a unit of angle/time.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Spin, select Velocity.

Tire Radius

Physical signal output port that provides the free radius of the tire. The radius increases as the tire rotates faster. The value has a unit of length.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Tire Radius, select Free Radius.

Physical signal output port that provides the distance from the center of the tire to the contact point between the tire and the contact surface. The value has a unit of length.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Tire Radius, select Loaded Radius.

Physical signal output port that provides the distance from the follower frame to the slip point. The value has a unit of length.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Tire Radius, select Effective Rolling Radius.

Physical signal output port that provides the difference between the free radius output from the romega port and the loaded radius output from the rl port. The value has a unit of length.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Tire Radius, select Radial Deflection.


Physical signal output port that provides the longitudinal friction coefficient of the tire computed by the magic formula equations.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Friction, select Longitudinal Friction Coefficient.

Physical signal output port that provides the lateral friction coefficient of the tire computed by the magic formula equations.


To enable this port, under Sensing > Friction, select Lateral Friction Coefficient.

Contact Frame

Physical signal port that outputs a 3-by-3 rotation matrix that maps the vectors in the contact frame to vectors in the reference frame of the base geometry. The output signal is resolved in the reference frame associated with the base geometry.


To enable this port, in the Sensing > Contact Frame section, select Base Rotation.

Physical signal port that outputs a 3-by-1 vector that contains the coordinates of the origin of the contact frame resolved in the reference frame of the base geometry.


To enable this port, in the Sensing > Contact Frame section, select Base Translation.

Physical signal port that outputs a 3-by-3 rotation matrix that maps vectors in the contact frame to vectors in the reference frame of the follower geometry. The output signal is resolved in the reference frame associated with the follower geometry.


To enable this port, in the Sensing > Contact Frame section, select Follower Rotation.

Physical signal port that outputs a 3-by-1 vector that contains the coordinates of the origin of the contact frame resolved in the reference frame of the follower geometry.


To enable this port, in the Sensing > Contact Frame section, select Follower Translation.


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Tire position during modeling, specified as either Left or Right. Set the parameter to the side of the vehicle to which the tire is mounted.

Tire parameters, specified as a scalar structure array. Use the simscape.multibody.tirread function to generate the structure array from a TIR file. The structure array must include all the necessary tire parameters, while any extra parameters are ignored in the tire modeling. For the list of required parameters, see Required Tire Parameters.

Slip mode, specified as either Combined or Combined + Turn.

To model combined slip, select Combined. To model combined slip with turn slip effects, select Combined + Turn. When selecting this option, the tire parameters require the turn slip coefficients.

Turn Slip Coefficients

PDXP1Peak FX reduction due to spin parameter
PDXP2Peak FX reduction due to spin with varying load parameter
PDXP3Peak FX reduction due to spin with kappa parameter
PKYP1Cornering stiffness reduction due to spin
PDYP1Peak FY reduction due to spin parameter
PDYP2Peak FY reduction due to spin with varying load parameter
PDYP3Peak FY reduction due to spin with alpha parameter
PDYP4Peak FY reduction due to square root of spin parameter
PHYP1FY-alpha curve lateral shift limitation
PHYP2FY-alpha curve maximum lateral shift parameter
PHYP3FY-alpha curve maximum lateral shift varying with load parameter
PHYP4FY-alpha curve maximum lateral shift parameter
PECP1Camber w.r.t. spin reduction factor parameter in camber stiffness
PECP2Camber w.r.t. spin reduction factor varying with load parameter in camber stiffness
QDTP1Pneumatic trail reduction factor due to turn slip parameter
QCRP1Turning moment at constant turning and zero forward speed parameter
QCRP2Turn slip moment (at alpha=90deg) parameter for increase with spin
QBRP1Residual (spin) torque reduction factor parameter due to side slip
QDRP1Turn slip moment peak magnitude parameter


Method to use to compute the location and orientation of the contact frame, specified as:

  • Closest Point: This method determines the contact point by locating the point on the contact surface that is closest to the center of the tire and lies in the plane of the tire. The contact normal vector is at the contact point and perpendicular to the contact patch at the contact point.

  • Weighted Penetration: This method simplifies the computation due to the irregularities of the contact surface and computes an equivalent plane at each simulation time step to approximate the actual contact area. The contact point is the nearest point on this equivalent plane to the center of the tire. The contact normal vector is at the contact point and perpendicular to the equivalent plane. For more information, see the description of Custom Tire Force and Torque.

For both settings, the contact frame is at the contact point and the z-axis of the frame is aligned with the contact normal.

Scaling Coefficients

Scaling factor for the longitudinal friction coefficient. Select From Tire Parameters to use the constant scaling factor provided by the TIR file, or select Provided by Input to use input signals as scaling factors.

Scaling factor for the lateral friction coefficient. Select From Tire Parameters to use the constant scaling factor provided by the TIR file, or select Provided by Input to use input signals as scaling factors.



Frame used to resolve the calculated tire force and torque, specified as either Contact or Follower.

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[1] Pacejka, Hans B., and Igo Besselink. Tire and Vehicle Dynamics. 3rd. Engineering Automotive Engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012.

[2] Besselink, I. J.M., A. J.C. Schmeitz, and H. B. Pacejka. “An Improved Magic Formula/Swift Tyre Model That Can Handle Inflation Pressure Changes.” Vehicle System Dynamics 48, no. sup1 (December 2010): 337–52.

[3] van der Hofstad, R. H. M. T. “Study on improving the MF-Swift tyre model.” (2010).

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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