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Power Transmission and Distribution

Transformation and transmission of power through transformers and lines

Transform and transmit power through transformers and lines.


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Linear TransformerImplement two- or three-winding linear transformer
Grounding TransformerImplement three-phase grounding transformer providing a neutral in three-wire system
Saturable TransformerImplement two- or three-winding saturable transformer
Multi-Winding TransformerImplement multi-winding transformer with taps
Three-Phase Auto Transformer With Tertiary WindingThree-phase autotransformer with tertiary winding (Since R2021b)
Three-Phase Tap-Changing Transformer (Three-Windings)Three-phase tap-changing transformer (Since R2021b)
Three-Phase Tap-Changing Transformer (Two-Windings)Three-phase tap-changing transformer (Since R2021b)
Three-Phase Transformer (Three Windings)Implement three-phase transformer with configurable winding connections
Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)Implement three-phase transformer with configurable winding connections
Three-Phase Transformer 12 TerminalsImplement three single-phase, two-winding transformers where all terminals are accessible
Three-Phase Transformer Inductance Matrix Type (Three Windings)Implement three-phase three-winding transformer with configurable winding connections and core geometry
Three-Phase Transformer Inductance Matrix Type (Two Windings)Implement three-phase two-winding transformer with configurable winding connections and core geometry
Zigzag Phase-Shifting TransformerImplement zigzag phase-shifting transformer with configurable secondary winding connection
Three-Phase OLTC Regulating Transformer (Phasor Type)Implement phasor model of three-phase OLTC regulating transformer
Three-Phase OLTC Phase Shifting Transformer Delta-Hexagonal (Phasor Type)Implement phasor model of three-phase OLTC phase-shifting transformer using delta hexagonal connection
Variable-Ratio TransformerDiscrete variable-ratio two-winding ideal transformer
PI Section LineImplement transmission line or cable with lumped parameters
Distributed Parameters LineImplement N-phase distributed parameter transmission line model with lumped losses
Three-Phase PI Section LineImplement three-phase transmission line section with lumped parameters
Distributed Parameters Line (Frequency-Dependent)Distributed parameters line or cable model with frequency-dependent parameters (Since R2020b)
Decoupling LineSingle-phase decoupling distributed parameters line (Since R2020b)
Decoupling Line (Three-Phase)Three-phase decoupling distributed parameters line (Since R2020b)


power_loadflowPerform positive-sequence load flow or unbalanced load flow and initialize models containing load flow blocks
power_cableparamCompute RLC parameters and frequency-dependent model parameters of a group of cables
power_hysteresisView and edit hysteresis characteristic for saturable core of Saturable Transformer blocks
power_lineparamCompute RLC parameters of overhead transmission line from its conductor characteristics and tower geometry

Analysis Tools

Power Line ParametersCompute RLC parameters of overhead transmission line from its conductor characteristics and tower geometry
Specify Decoupling LinesReplace selected Distributed Parameters Line blocks with Decoupling Line blocks


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