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Use Property Inspector in System Composer

The Property Inspector allows you to access and edit properties for different elements in System Composer™.

To open the tool, from the System Composer toolstrip, navigate to Modeling > Property Inspector. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+I. On macOS, press command+option+O instead.

Property Inspector Tool

Use the Property Inspector to inspect properties based on context. When you select a component, port, connector, interface, function, or requirement, the structure of the Property Inspector adapts to accommodate the given element.

Property Inspector Modes

This table explains where to find more information about authoring properties.

View and Edit Stereotypes and Parameters

Launch the small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) project.


In the Property Inspector, on the root architecture layer of the architecture model, you can view and edit stereotypes and parameters.

Property Inspector showing parameter on root architecture. No stereotypes are assigned.

When you select a component, you can view and edit the stereotypes or parameters assigned to the component.

Property Inspector showing stereotype with properties defined and parameter with value for the landing gear component.

When you select a connector, you can view and edit the stereotypes assigned to the connector.

Property Inspector with connector highlighted showing the ports on either side and the stereotype property length defined.

When you select a port, you can view and edit the stereotypes or interfaces assigned to the port. You can also change the port action between Input, Output, and Physical.

Property Inspector with port highlighted and interface in the Interface Editor shown.

From the Stereotype list, choose an option to apply a stereotype to the model element. Select the fully qualified name of a stereotype, <profile>.<stereotype>, or create or edit new stereotypes in the Profile Editor. Use <Add/Edit> when no stereotypes are applied or <New/Edit> when at least one stereotype is applied. Choose <Remove All> from the Stereotype list to remove all stereotypes from a model element.

Once you choose a stereotype, select from the list next to the stereotype name. Options include Remove to remove the stereotype from the element and Reset to default values to reset the values of the stereotype properties to their defaults. Expand the stereotype to view and edit its property values.

Use the Parameters list to open the Parameter Editor using the Open Editor option. Reset a specific parameter to its default value using the Reset to default option. Find the source of the parameter using Highlight source of parameter. Since parameters can be promoted to higher parts of the hierarchy, the source of the parameter is not always clear.

View and Edit Interfaces

When you select a data interface on the Interface Editor, you can view and edit the stereotypes in the Property Inspector.

Property Inspector with data interface highlighted in the Interface Editor.

Select the edit hyperlink to open the interface in the Interface Editor.

When you select a data element on the Interface Editor, you can view and edit the type, dimension, unit, complexity, minimum, maximum, and description in the Property Inspector.

Property Inspector with data element highlighted in the Interface Editor.

View and Edit Requirements

When you select a requirement with the Requirements Perspective open, you can view and edit the type, summary, description, and links for the requirement in the Property Inspector.

Property Inspector with requirement highlighted.

View and Edit Functions

Launch the adaptive cruise control example.


When you select a function on the Functions Editor, you can view and edit the stereotypes for the function in the Property Inspector.

Property Inspector with function highlighted in the Functions Editor.

See Also

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