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Localizzazione e mappatura visiva simultanea (vSLAM) monoculare, stereo e RGB-D

La localizzazione e mappatura visiva simultanea (vSLAM) si riferisce al processo di calcolo della posizione e dell'orientamento di una fotocamera, rispetto all'ambiente circostante, mappando contemporaneamente l'ambiente. Il processo utilizza solo gli input visivi della fotocamera. Le applicazioni dello SLAM visivo includono la realtà aumentata, la robotica e la guida autonoma. Per ulteriori dettagli, vedere Implement Visual SLAM in MATLAB.


espandi tutto

detectSURFFeaturesDetect SURF features
detectORBFeaturesDetect ORB keypoints
extractFeaturesExtract interest point descriptors
matchFeaturesFind matching features
matchFeaturesInRadiusFind matching features within specified radius (Da R2021a)
triangulate3-D locations of undistorted matching points in stereo images
img2world2dDetermine world coordinates of image points (Da R2022b)
world2imgProject world points into image (Da R2022b)
estgeotform2dEstimate 2-D geometric transformation from matching point pairs (Da R2022b)
estgeotform3dEstimate 3-D geometric transformation from matching point pairs (Da R2022b)
estimateFundamentalMatrixEstimate fundamental matrix from corresponding points in stereo images
estworldposeEstimate camera pose from 3-D to 2-D point correspondences (Da R2022b)
findWorldPointsInViewFind world points observed in view (Da R2020b)
findWorldPointsInTracksFind world points that correspond to point tracks (Da R2020b)
estrelposeCalculate relative rotation and translation between camera poses (Da R2022b)
optimizePosesOptimize absolute poses using relative pose constraints (Da R2020a)
createPoseGraphCreate pose graph (Da R2020a)
bundleAdjustmentAdjust collection of 3-D points and camera poses
bundleAdjustmentMotionAdjust collection of 3-D points and camera poses using motion-only bundle adjustment (Da R2020a)
bundleAdjustmentStructureRefine 3-D points using structure-only bundle adjustment (Da R2020a)
imshowDisplay image
showMatchedFeaturesDisplay corresponding feature points
plotPlot image view set views and connections (Da R2020a)
plotCameraPlot a camera in 3-D coordinates
pcshowPlot 3-D point cloud
pcplayerVisualize streaming 3-D point cloud data
imageviewsetManage data for structure-from-motion, visual odometry, and visual SLAM (Da R2020a)
worldpointsetManage 3-D to 2-D point correspondences (Da R2020b)
indexImagesCreate image search index
invertedImageIndexSearch index that maps visual words to images
bagOfFeaturesBag of visual words object
monovslamVisual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) with monocular camera (Da R2023b)
addFrameAdd image frame to visual SLAM object (Da R2023b)
hasNewKeyFrameCheck if new key frame added in visual SLAM object (Da R2023b)
checkStatusCheck status of visual SLAM object (Da R2023b)
isDoneEnd-of-file status (logical)
mapPointsBuild 3-D map of world points (Da R2023b)
posesAbsolute camera poses of key frames (Da R2023b)
plotPlot 3-D map points and estimated camera trajectory in visual SLAM (Da R2023b)
resetReset visual SLAM object (Da R2023b)
rgbdvslamFeature-based visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) with RGB-D camera (Da R2024a)
addFrameAdd pair of color and depth images to RGB-D visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
hasNewKeyFrameCheck if new key frame added in RGB-D visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
checkStatusCheck status of visual RGB-D SLAM object (Da R2024a)
isDoneEnd-of-processing status for RGB-D visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
mapPointsBuild 3-D map of world points from RGB-D vSLAM object (Da R2024a)
posesAbsolute camera poses of RGB-D vSLAM key frames (Da R2024a)
plotPlot 3-D map points and estimated camera trajectory in RGB-D visual SLAM (Da R2024a)
resetReset RGB-D visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
stereovslamFeature-based visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) with stereo camera (Da R2024a)
addFrameAdd pair of color and depth images to stereo visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
hasNewKeyFrameCheck if new key frame added in stereo visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
checkStatusCheck status of stereo visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
isDoneEnd-of-processing status for stereo visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)
mapPointsBuild 3-D map of world points from stereo vSLAM object (Da R2024a)
posesAbsolute camera poses of stereo key frames (Da R2024a)
plotPlot 3-D map points and estimated camera trajectory in stereo visual SLAM (Da R2024a)
resetReset stereo visual SLAM object (Da R2024a)


Esempi in primo piano