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Explicit multiplication of matrices using for loops

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Chris il 13 Nov 2013
Risposto: David Sanchez il 13 Nov 2013
Hi, I'm just getting to grips with for loops in Matlab, and I encountered a problem in understanding this specific code:
x = [4; 0.5 ; 1];
A = [6 8 1 ; 3 10 1 ; 1 0.5 12.5];
B = [2 0.5 1 ; 0 0.75 0.5 ; 0.5 4 1.5];
for ix = 1:3;
for jx = 1:3;
yex(ix) = yex(ix) + A(ix,jx) * x(jx);
for ix = 1:3;
for jx = 1:3;
Cex(ix,jx) = 0;
for kx = 1:3 ;
Cex(ix,jx) = Cex(ix,jx) + A(ix,kx) * B(kx,jx);
As you can see, it's a way of explicitly multiplying matrices using for loops. My problem is understanding the explicit part, and what each line of code is doing. Help in understanding this would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  2 Commenti
dpb il 13 Nov 2013
What, specifically don't you understand?
BTW, it would be more efficient to move the initializations outside the loops --
for ix = 1:3;
for ix = 1:3;
for jx = 1:3;
Not sure what your question is really asking -- they compute two different sums, the latter one of which is the formal definition of a matrix multiplication. What do you consider 'explicit' as opposed to the rest, maybe?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 13 Nov 2013
And FYI, you don't need a semicolon at the end of a "for" line of code.

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David Sanchez
David Sanchez il 13 Nov 2013
for ix = 1:3; % loop along the elements of yex
yex(ix)=0; % initialization of ix-th element of yex to zero
for jx = 1:3; % iterate along the column elements of A in the ix-th row
yex(ix) = yex(ix) + A(ix,jx) * x(jx); % update the value of yex, the yex previous value is added to the jx-th column element of A plus the jx-th value of x
The other for-loop is the same but with an extra dimension.


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