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Unable to use a value of type string as an index

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Rithika Varma
Rithika Varma il 23 Ott 2021
Commentato: VBBV il 23 Ott 2021
Where even is the string? I checked the datatypes of all the variables, and they're all either double or uint8.
  3 Commenti
VBBV il 23 Ott 2021
Did you assign any numeric value to x in catbl1(catbl1=x)=div*c; ? Change also the line to catbl1(catbl1==x)=div*c;
VBBV il 23 Ott 2021
If you don't have numeric value assigned to x it can also be problem

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Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie il 23 Ott 2021
Inside your loop, change


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