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Velocity graph from position graph

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
MeEngr il 22 Gen 2015
Dear all,
I have a graph of the position of a body vs. time. It's actually two graphs. One for the x-position and one for the y-position.
I now need to plot the velocity of the body vs. time. It will be two graphs again. One for the velocity along the x direction and one for the velocity along the y-direction.
What would be the best way (i.e. the method that yields the most accurate result) to do this? Should I use diff() or gradient()? I would very much appreciate any advice. Thanks!

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Star Strider
Star Strider il 22 Gen 2015
I would use gradient for each x and y, and if it applies to your application, hypot, since that will give you the net position or velocity at each time if you need that.

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