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translating a script into a function and executing it in the base workspace

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
function test()
fsw = System.IO.FileSystemWatcher();
fsw.Path = 'C:\Users\wolfgang';
fsw.Filter = 'test.csv';
fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
listenerhandle = addlistener(fsw, 'Changed', @(~,~)testing1234(q,a));
%signature of importfcn is function importfcn(sender, eventargs)
%add a small delay in importfcn before reading the file as the event is raised
%to make sure that file modification is complete
I need the above script to be written as a function so that it gets executed in the base workspace. How can I do that?
yI use assignin('base','fsw',fsw) and it gets to the base workspace. However, somehow i get an error when i do assignin('base','fsw.Filter',fsw.Filter). Why do I get that error?
  1 Commento
per isakson
per isakson il 23 Gen 2015
Modificato: per isakson il 23 Gen 2015
  • "the above script to be written as a function" &nbsp The code above is already a function. See Scripts vs. Functions
  • "Why do I get that error?" &nbsp because "'fsw.Filter'" is not a legal name of a variable

Risposte (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 22 Gen 2015
Let's say it's called test.m. Simply put this line at the beginning of the file to turn it from a script into a function
function test()
  5 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 23 Gen 2015
There's no reason to send your functions variables directly to the base workspace. See the FAQ
If you want them there then the functions should just return them and you call the function from a simple script.
AA il 23 Gen 2015
How can I incorporate a code in the function so that the external script gets executed and the variables get enlisted in the base workspace? If I achieve this then I do not need to put the script in the function.

Star Strider
Star Strider il 22 Gen 2015
Modificato: Star Strider il 23 Gen 2015
At the risk of pointing out the obvious (and not having run your code), why not write it at the outset as:
function fsw = test()
and see if that does what you want.
It will return whatever variables you want it to return (here only ‘fsw’) to the workspace when the function completes and returns control to the calling script. See Create Functions in Files and related documentation for details.

steven7337 il 22 Gen 2015
Just type the name of the script on command line, then it will be executed.
  1 Commento
AA il 22 Gen 2015
I cant do that. I want the script to be incorporated as a function into another function and then display the variables in the base workspace. It is all part of a great plan to accomplish my algorithm.

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