Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Why does my code take forever to give a result?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I created this code in order to find the capacities of 10 capacitors for a given circuit. But when I run it, it takes a lot of time to run and after 30 minutes it gives back "Warning : Solutions might be lost." Does anybody know why is that?
%calculates capacitance in series
s = @(varargin) 1/sum(1./[varargin{:}]);
%calculates capacitance in parallell
p = @(varargin) sum([varargin{:}]);
%the system of 10 linear equations
syms c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
eqn1 = p(c1,s(c5,c2),s(c8,c3),s(c9,c4)) == 0.3;
eqn2 = p(c2,s(c5,c1),s(c6,c3),s(c10,c4)) == 0.3;
eqn3 = p(c3,s(c8,c1),s(c6,c2),s(c7,c4)) == 0.3;
eqn4 = p(c4,s(c7,c3),s(c10,c2),s(c9,c1)) == 0.3;
eqn5 = p(c5,s(c1,c2),s(c9,c10),s(c8,c6)) == 0.25;
eqn6 = p(c8,s(c9,c7),s(c1,c3),s(c5,c6)) == 0.25;
eqn7 = p(c9,s(c1,c4),s(c8,c7),s(c5,c10)) == 0.25;
eqn8 = p(c6,s(c10,c7),s(c2,c3),s(c5,c8)) == 0.25;
eqn9 = p(c10,s(c6,c7),s(c5,c9),s(c2,c4)) == 0.25;
eqn10 = p(c7,s(c3,c4),s(c8,c9),s(c6,c10)) == 0.25;
%the values of the 10 capacitors
sol = solve([eqn1, eqn2, eqn3, eqn4, eqn5, eqn6, eqn7, eqn8, eqn9, eqn10],[c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10]);
c1Sol = sol.c1;
c2Sol = sol.c2;
c3Sol = sol.c3;
c4Sol = sol.c4;
c5Sol = sol.c5;
c6Sol = sol.c6;
c7Sol = sol.c7;
c8Sol = sol.c8;
c9Sol = sol.c9;
  3 Commenti
bransa il 20 Mag 2022
you can use Run & Time function in the Editor (in the drop down of the Run button) or wrap sections of your code in tic...toc to check how long each step is taking.

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Risposte (1)

Abhiram V. P. Premakumar
Abhiram V. P. Premakumar il 20 Mag 2022
Does you equation have feasible solutions?
I checked with a simple feasible problem, and it did give the correct answer.
Please check that as a first step.
clc;clear all;
%calculates capacitance in series
s = @(varargin) 1/sum(1./[varargin{:}]);
%calculates capacitance in parallell
p = @(varargin) sum([varargin{:}]);
%the system of 2 linear equations
syms c1 c2
eqn1 = p(c1,c2) == 2;
eqn2 = s(c1,c2) == 0.5;
sol = solve([eqn1, eqn2],[c1, c2]);
c1Sol = sol.c1
c1Sol = 
c2Sol = sol.c2
c2Sol = 


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