Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Reuse figure/axes properties from figure A for figures B,C,D

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a bunch of already saved matlab figures. I have edited the axes and properties on figure A to make it publication quality. I am looking to utilize the same set of axes and properties on already created figures B,C,D. Is there a way to do this through code?

Risposte (1)

dpb il 6 Ott 2022
Modificato: dpb il 7 Ott 2022
hAxGolden=gca; % the gold standard
hF=figure; % create new figure
hAx=copyobj(hAxGolden,hF); % and put the fixed-up axes in it...
Alternatively, you can just save the figure with the fancy axes and reload it, add whatever data and then save/print it to new file.


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