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I want to do a general code to make a transfer function of any rlc circuit

90 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
is there any functions or tips to help me in the code. the user only knows the R, L and C values, the currents are unknowns, the laplace out and input of the circuit are determined by the user and the code doesnt know what are they. i know it is a bit complecated, the professor gave us this assignment and the dead line is two days away.
again i have to do a general code to generate any transfer function of an rlc circuit with any number of loops and any cmbination of elements.

Risposte (1)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov il 28 Dic 2023
The transfer function of RLC circuit will be derived using input voltage vs. voltage across capacitor (1) or input voltage vs. current (2):
(1) Considering Vout vs. Vin a simple series RLC circuitry:
Vout/Vin = 1/(LCs^2+RCs+1) can be also written as (1/LC)/(s^2+R/L+1/LC)
(2) The relationship between current and input voltage then,
I/Vin = 1/(R+Ls+1/Cs)
I/Vin = Cs/(CLs^2+CRs+1)
R = 100; % Ohm
L = 20; % H
C = 1e-6; % F
NUM1 = 1;
DEN1 = [L*C R*C 1];
TF1 = tf(NUM1, DEN1)
TF1 = 1 ------------------------ 2e-05 s^2 + 0.0001 s + 1 Continuous-time transfer function.
NUM2 = [C 0];
DEN2 = [C*L R*C 1];
TF2 = tf(NUM2, DEN2)
TF2 = 1e-06 s ------------------------ 2e-05 s^2 + 0.0001 s + 1 Continuous-time transfer function.
  4 Commenti
Sam Chak
Sam Chak il 29 Dic 2023
Now, if such an auto-modeling MATLAB function is available, how do you (as a user) validate the accuracy of the transfer function? Would 100% trust all results without any exceptions?
As an Electrical Design Engineer, I would prefer to have a function that can covert the circuits from LTspice, and Proteus to an equivalent Simscape block diagram.
Luai il 29 Dic 2023
Modificato: Luai il 29 Dic 2023
how? my major is electric engineering too but my knowledge in matlab is a little.

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