Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How can I plot two vectors starting from origin?

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I wrote the following code to set the appearance of the axis and the figure:
search_width = 5;
figure2 = figure;
% Figure erstellen
axes2 = axes('Parent',figure2);
% Axen erstellen
figure2.Name = sprintf('Vektoren in der Suchmaske - alpha = %g', alpha(1, 1));
figure2.NumberTitle = 'off';
% Titel des Fensters bearbeiten
axes2.XLim = [ (-(round((search_width/2)+1))) (round((search_width/2)+1))];
axes2.YLim = [ (-(round((search_width/2)+1))) (round((search_width/2)+1))];
axes2.XAxisLocation = 'origin';
axes2.YAxisLocation = 'origin';
% Achsen in den Mittelpunkt verschieben
% Vektoren
% Einstellungen zum Aussehen des Schaubildes
Now I want to plot two vectors.
a = [-3; -3]
b = [-3; 0]
a and b determines the end of the vectors. Starting-point shall be for both vectors the point [0, 0]. It would be nice if the vectors have the appearance of arrows. How can I manage this?
I use MATLAB R2015b.

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 21 Ott 2015
Use the quiver function:
o = [0; 0];
a = [-3; -3];
ac = [a o];
auv = [o a];
b = [-3; 0];
bc = [b o];
buv = [o b];
quiver(ac(1,:), ac(2,:), auv(1,:), auv(2,:), 0)
hold on
quiver(bc(1,:), bc(2,:), buv(1,:), buv(2,:), 0)
hold off
axis([-5 1 -5 1])
  2 Commenti
Chewy il 22 Ott 2015
Thanks a lot, that works. For everybody else who has the same problem, here´s the complete code:
edge_search_width = 5;
% Determination of search width
c_v_y = -1;
c_v_x = 3;
% Current-Vector
t_v = [0; -(edge_search_width-2)];
% Top-Vector, shows always to the top. x = 0, y = -edge_search_width.
% Calculations for quiver-command in the visualisation.
o = [0; 0];
c_v = [c_v_x; c_v_y];
ac = [c_v o];
auv = [o c_v];
bc = [t_v o];
buv = [o t_v];
figure2 = figure;
% create figure
axes2 = axes('Parent',figure2);
% create axes
figure2.Name = 'vectors in searchmask';
figure2.NumberTitle = 'off';
% create title of the window
axes2.XLim = [ (-(round((edge_search_width/2)+1))) (round((edge_search_width/2)+1))];
axes2.YLim = [ (-(round((edge_search_width/2)+1))) (round((edge_search_width/2)+1))];
axes2.XAxisLocation = 'origin';
axes2.YAxisLocation = 'origin';
axes2.YDir = 'reverse';
% set axes to the origion
quiver(ac(1,:), ac(2,:), auv(1,:), auv(2,:), 0)
hold on
quiver(bc(1,:), bc(2,:), buv(1,:), buv(2,:), 0)
hold off
% plot vectors
% appearance of the figure

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Più risposte (1)

TastyPastry il 21 Ott 2015
Modificato: TastyPastry il 21 Ott 2015
Try the Da Vinci Draw Toolbox. The old arrow.m file doesn't work anymore.
There is a method using annotation() and another using quiver(). They quiver() method doesn't draw exact vectors to the endpoint.


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