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Azzera filtri

problem with 3d bar plot and colorbar

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Uwe il 5 Gen 2016
Commentato: Uwe il 5 Gen 2016
with the following Matlab code:
Z = magic(5); figure; h = bar3(Z); colorbar
I get this diagram:
Why do I get all these values all over the diagram? It seems to be a problem with the colorbar function. How can I resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance!

Risposte (1)

Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity il 5 Gen 2016
That appears to be this issue.
I asked them to send details to support, but I don't know if it ever came in.
  1 Commento
Uwe il 5 Gen 2016
Hello Mike,
thank you for that hint. In deed this is or was my problem. The command "opengl software" resolved it!

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