Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to give unique id to similar row

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
hi I would like to add third column to the array represents unique id for a similar rows in the array I will be grateful for any help and thank you in advance
# 30 10
# 30 191
# 30 10
# 45 206
# 30 191
# 45 206
# 45 206
# 155 206
# 155 206
# 170 191
# 155 206
# 170 11
# 170 191
# 170 11
  3 Commenti
Stephen23 il 8 Feb 2018
@hazim78: what is your definition of "similar row" ?
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) il 8 Feb 2018
What should the 3rd column look like?

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Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 8 Feb 2018
I am not certain what result you want.
The unique function might be an option:
A = [30 10
30 191
30 10
45 206
30 191
45 206
45 206
155 206
155 206
170 191
155 206
170 11
170 191
170 11];
[Au,~,ID] = unique(A, 'rows','stable');
Out = [A ID]
Out =
30 10 1
30 191 2
30 10 1
45 206 3
30 191 2
45 206 3
45 206 3
155 206 4
155 206 4
170 191 5
155 206 4
170 11 6
170 191 5
170 11 6
  2 Commenti
Hazim Nasir
Hazim Nasir il 8 Feb 2018
thank you Star that is what I need, Id for similar rows many thanks
Star Strider
Star Strider il 8 Feb 2018
As always, my pleasure.

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