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Matlab r2008a and CCS v4

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
SUUL NUFUS RAMLAN il 27 Mar 2011
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
can 1 connect the TMS320C6713 DSP kit of Texas Instruments with the CCS v4 to Embedded IDE link with MATLAB R2008a? if can,what type of windows that i need to run this program?

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Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind il 28 Mar 2011
The official supported version with R2008a was Code Composer Studio 3.3 - since R2008a was not tested with CCS v4, there is no guarantee that this will work without any issues.
However, R2010b (the latest version, that you can upgrade to for free, if you have a license that's under maintenance) does support CCS v4. The system requirements for R2010b are here:

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