Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How to plot square diagram

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa il 2 Ott 2019
Commentato: Adam Danz il 3 Ott 2019
Dear member, how to plot this figure in Matlab. Many thanks
Kind regards

Risposta accettata

Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 2 Ott 2019
Modificato: Adam Danz il 2 Ott 2019
data = diag(randi(20,1,20)+40);
%Create colormap that looks like the image in the question
cm = [linspace(1,0,100)', linspace(1,0,100)', linspace(.875,1,100)']; %from [1 1 .875] to [0 0 1]
% or just use
% colormap(flipud(colormap('parula')))
  2 Commenti
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa il 2 Ott 2019
Thank you so much Adam
Kind regards
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 2 Ott 2019
Glad I could help. I just updated the answer to include a colormap that approximates the colormapping in the image in your question.

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Più risposte (2)

Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa il 2 Ott 2019
Dear Adam how to change number 1, 2 (I circur in the figure by name EX: Machine 1). Here my code and file exel
filename = 'Test output ANN alone _ PSO _ IPSO';
sheetname1 = 'Sheet1';
data = xlsread(filename,sheetname1,'B2:D42');
Thank you
  6 Commenti
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa il 2 Ott 2019
Dear Adam, based on your instruction, I also solved this problem. Thank you so much. Kind regardsCapture.PNG
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 2 Ott 2019
I see. sprintfc() is an undocumented built-in matlab function. Apparently you have another file with the same name and that file is a script.
That line is just creating fake labels, anyway. You probably already have your own labels. In any case, you can replace that line with this.
labels = strsplit(sprintf('%c ','a':'t'));
labels(end) = []

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Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa il 2 Ott 2019
Thank you so much Adam. I’m a beginer, I will try to study more. Kind regards
  2 Commenti
Tran Hoa
Tran Hoa il 3 Ott 2019
Dear Adam, how to plot figure like this, two values (347 and 14.6% or can use words insteads of number in the sheet). Thank you so much.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 3 Ott 2019
@ Tran Hoa, this thread may become a bit difficult to follow when there are several "answers" posted that are not answer, but discussion. Please use the "comment" section under a particular answer or under the question if you'd like to continue discussion. The "answer" section is for proposing answer to the question stated at the top of the page.
You can't edit the text displayed in a heatmap. Here's a link to some alternatives:

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