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Azzera filtri

If statement for input value

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jarren Berdal
Jarren Berdal il 5 Ago 2020
Risposto: Star Strider il 5 Ago 2020
I want the user to give a number, depending on that number gives the user a number of questions to answer
n = input('how many ingredients do you have');
if n =1
a = input('Type code of Ingrediant #1: ');
A = input('Type quantity of Ingrediant #1: ');
if n =2
a = input('Type code of Ingrediant #1: ');
A = input('Type quantity of Ingrediant #1: ');
b= input('Type code of Ingrediant #2: ');
B= input('Type quantity of Ingrediant #2: ');

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Star Strider
Star Strider il 5 Ago 2020
I would just use a loop:
n = input('how many ingredients do you have');
for k = 1:n
a(k) = input(sprintf('Type code of Ingrediant #%d: ',k));
A(k) = input(sprintf('Type quantity of Ingrediant #%d: ',k));
Then do whatever you want with the resulting vectors.

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