Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

query on DFT plotting

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
pss aditya
pss aditya il 27 Ago 2020
Risposto: Star Strider il 27 Ago 2020
xlabel('DFT bins');
%plotting the DFT(norm freq)
plot([0:1/(num_bins/2 -1):1], x_mags(1:num_bins/2));
xlabel('norm frequency (\pi rads/sample)');
so the text i bolded and underlined, why are the limits in plot in such way?
is there any specific reason?

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 27 Ago 2020
It is plotting only the first half of the fft result ‘x_mags’ from 0 to π radians. This is the usual approach, since ‘x_mags’ is actually symmetrical, with the second half being the complex conjugate of the first half. (There is usuallny no reason to plot both halves, unless you are using fftshift and plotting from to π in this instance. That is not the situation here.)

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