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Error During Code generation

14 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Rakesh Chandrashekar
Rakesh Chandrashekar il 26 Giu 2013
Hi, I am getting error while generating code "Potential conflicting usages of identifier, a global identifier from model and the name of the signal connected to output port 1 of the block
The conflict may be resolved by increasing the maximum identifier length on the Symbols pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box. Otherwise the conflicting identifiers need to be renamed.
This error i am getting because signal name and subsystem /model name is same.
I want model and signal name to be same, let me know if any alternative solution is there.
  1 Commento
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind il 26 Giu 2013
How about following the suggestion in the error message of increasing the maximum identifier length?

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