Adjusting the datetick issue.
clear all ; clc ;clf set(gcf,'color','w') load m_time_1516.mat x = 1 : 9; y = sin(x); m_time_1516(1) =[]; plot(datetime(m_...

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App Designer Image Properties
You can use findall to get a handle of all the uiimages. handle = findall(app.UIFigure,'Type','uiimage'); ...

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How do I create a time-lapse video of a 3D plot?
One way is to run a similar code as shown below in Live Editor. It will automatically create a video from the for loop that you ...

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App designer - problem implementing filter based on tree nodes
Teshan, I created an app based on the scripts provided (see attached). Please let me know if this answers your question. I be...

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How do I make a uibutton the 'active' item in a GUI upon construction?
See https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/392925-modify-tab-order-of-app-designer-gui Below would work for R2022a a...

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I'm struggling to plot data over dateline when centred on the North Pacific using geoscatter.
load example.mat As you can see below, the data points are far apart. figure geoscatter(tow_data(:,1),tow_data(:,2),50,tow_...

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Why is the label not coming up?
I made the default text for Label2, "Choose the salts available!". This way it appears when the app first starts. If you do not ...

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How to use public properties in matlab app designer?
I have modified your apps and attached them here. In app3, I added a Callingapp property. In code view, I clicked "App Input Ar...

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Component alert (error or information message) in appdesigner
You could add a tooltip message like this: The Tooltip message can be edited under the Interactivity subheading in the Compo...

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App Building Components: where are they?
Assuming you minimized the Component Library, look to the left and double click Component Library as shown in the image below. O...

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Do I have to resize my images?
To answer your question in regards to databases: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/449046-how-can-i-resize-imag...

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Como modificar con el mouse una grafica generada en un axes de App Designer?

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App Desginer, Select point in image to update Value Changing variable
I made an app that used a listener to retrieve the current point on an axes and update a uilabel with the value in a response to...

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How do I read each frame of a video?
You can use a while loop as shown in the documentation here. Note, you can save a 3D/4D matrix of the video if memory permits b...

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Tracking Pedestrians from a Moving Car
Here the Kalman filter object is created % Create a Kalman filter object. kalmanFilter = configureKalmanFilter('ConstantVeloci...

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How to rearrange 2x5 matrix while keeping the size the same?
x = [1, 5, 9, 4, 8; 3, 7, 2, 6, 10] x2 = reshape(sort(reshape(x,1,[])),size(x,1),size(x,2))

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Best way to get date and time inputs from user and save as a datetime variable
% construct the data subset timerange startDateTime = datetime(s.StartDate + " " + s.StartTime, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd HHmm...

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recording a plot as a video & including a suitable legend
continue_loading = 1; v = VideoWriter('Z:\MATLAB\figures\example.avi'); v.FrameRate = 60; open(v) % hold box on grid on...

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uiprogressdlg using the CancelRequested function to terminate the loop.
Everytime you run the line di = uiprogressdlg(app.progress,'Title','Progress Bar','Message','Progress','Cancelable',1); A new ...

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recording a plot as a video & including a suitable legend
Legend Problem Making up data for example eps_bar = rand(1,30); s_bar = rand(1,30); k=1; You could get the handle of th...

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can someone help me to measure the avgferet, avgminferet and area of the edges in my image in this code
imageData = imread('C1_L1_WDa.jpg'); imshow(imageData) figure [rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(imageData); ...

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Error Troubleshooting Classification Models
I believe you meant this: mdl = fitcdiscr(Tbl, "Number") instead of mdl = fitcdiscr(Tbl, Number) Edit: Also what does your t...

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Comparison of values and classification
Generate table: matrix = rand(1084,4); % making 4 columns because I don't feel like creating 14 column names Tbl = array2tab...

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Script for a behavioral experiment
You could create an app with App Designer. See video below: How to Build a GUI in MATLAB using App Designer You could display ...

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Select last numeric character(s) of the string
output = 'sucrose: 10'; numbers = str2double(extract(output, digitsPattern)) output = "sucrose10"; numbers = str2double...

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Putting a cell into a .mat file
save('test.mat', 'ImagesToSave')

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How to use data cursor mode to display data tips for multiple plots in a tiled layout?
If you are interested in the datatips information. You can acces the information from the Children subfield of the Scatter plot,...

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mapping between two different matrices
a=[1 2;3 4;5 6] b=[1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3] index = 3; output = yourmap(a,b,index) index = 6; output = yourmap(a,b,in...

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How to find max value for a function between 2 specified values
x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y = sin(x); plot(x,y) [maxvalue,index] = max(y(1:length(0:0.1:pi))) x(index)

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Find (local?) maxima when two maxima are adjacent to each other (maybe using islocalmax or findpeaks?)
If it wasn't on the edge, you could use the following: freq = [37 37 23 1 1 1]; m = islocalmax(freq,'FlatSelection','all') wo...

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