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Code not displaying figure
The last end is in the wrong place. Placing it where you have it makes the projection generation and figure creation code part o...

circa 3 ore fa | 0

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How to convert tables into numeric arrays?
C_512 is not a cell array of tables; it is a cell array of cell arrays of tables. % Load the .mat file load('./C_512.mat'); C...

circa 11 ore fa | 0

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Is there a quick function to make an array whose elements are the sum of the row and column numbers?
function out = Fun(n) out = (1:n) + (1:n).'; end

circa 22 ore fa | 0

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Regarding the GUI update to change the slider values.
Assuming app.dropdown is your dropdown component and app.slider is your slider component: if app.dropdown.ValueIndex == 1 ...

2 giorni fa | 0

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how can add an text on GUI
f = uifigure(); t = uitextarea(f); str = 'some text'; t.Value = str;

3 giorni fa | 0

indexing groups of elements in a vector in a certain way
%matrix A A = [1 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 5 2 6 2 7 2 3 3 4 3 5 3 3 3]; %matrix B B...

3 giorni fa | 0

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How can I add a marker to the legend with two x axes?
Interestingly, swapping the order of perr and terr in the legend() call makes both markers show up in the legend. pwa= [NaN;4.2...

3 giorni fa | 0

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How to remove the number caused by 'grid on' and How to change the legend mark
w0=300; l1=2*w0; l2=w0^2; k=60; s=tf('s'); r=[0.9,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.8,2.5,3.5]; H=figure; for i=1:numel(r) transfer_func...

3 giorni fa | 1

Two Plotting results one at a time like simulation
Let's say you have these x, y, and Slope variables: x = linspace(0,1,100); y = exp(x/2); Slope = 0.5*y; Then to plot y and S...

4 giorni fa | 0

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Running a large array
You can read and process the file in sections, one section at a time, in a loop, by specifying the start and count input argumen...

4 giorni fa | 0

I want to plot same X axis and different Y axis like timing diagram
I don't know what form your variables are in, but here's something: t = 0:0.5:4.5; Vc = [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]; Vb = [0 0 1 1 0 ...

4 giorni fa | 1

Right now, changing the spinner's value will create a new maze, but the mazes are still 10-by-10. Try running the app to verify this behavior. To fix this, you can use the gr
% Callback function: GridSizeSpinner, NewMazeButton function NewMazeButtonPushed(app, event) % get the spinner's value: ...

4 giorni fa | 0

Adding a column to a UITable and then using it.
app.StimInputTable.Data.Var4 = app.StimInputTable.Data.Var3./app.StimInputTable.Data.Var2; % ^^^^^ you we...

5 giorni fa | 0

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I want to write data at the end of every nth line of a text file
str = readlines(filename); str(4:4:end) = str(4:4:end) + "c"; writelines(str,filename) where "filename" is the abso...

5 giorni fa | 1

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Questions about the input X of pcolor and contourf.
I interpret the pcolor documentation as saying that a rectangular grid and a parametric grid are separate special cases, so the ...

7 giorni fa | 0

With a ribbon plot, how to make the ribbons go along each matrix row instead of each column?
If you have some leeway on the x- and y-axis tick locations, you can use ribbon with the tranpose of Z and just alter the axis l...

8 giorni fa | 2

Save graphical objects in .mat file for later use
You can use copyobj to copy an existing graphical object (e.g., scatter plot) to another parent (e.g., axes). Here's an example...

8 giorni fa | 0

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With a ribbon plot, how to make the ribbons go along each matrix row instead of each column?
Z=[0,1,2,2; 1,2,3,3; 2,3,4,4; 3,4,5,5]; [m,n] = size(Z); Y = (0:m-1).'; X = (0:n-1).'; Original ribbon plot, for reference...

8 giorni fa | 1

How can I make a graph like this for ANOVA 2-Way
The code that constructs bpdata takes the table data for each patient in turn and puts it together into a 2-row matrix with a co...

8 giorni fa | 0

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How to programmatically change the command window text size?
s = settings; s.matlab.fonts.codefont.Size.PersonalValue = 16;

8 giorni fa | 0

agrupacion de datos de una tabla
% first, I construct a table similar to yours N = 152709; MeasID = cellstr(char(64+randi(26,N,4))); Time = datetime(randi(30,...

9 giorni fa | 0

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How to count the number of non-nan values for combination of multiple variables
% Initial table a = [1;1;1;2;2;2;2]; b = [660; 661; 661; 663; 663; NaN; 663]; c = [1;2;2;5;5;NaN;6]; d = [11;12;NaN; 13; 14;...

9 giorni fa | 0

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What does the syntax matrix(vector) mean?

9 giorni fa | 0

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Unrecognized function or variable 'RK'.

9 giorni fa | 0

How do I draw contours on multiple surfaces so that they line up
Maybe specifying a vector of contour levels, rather than the number of levels, is appropriate. For example: lev = 0.01:0.01:0.0...

9 giorni fa | 0

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Error using feval Function to evaluate must be represented as a string scalar, character vector, or function_handle object.
Use the 's' (or "s") option in input() in order to store the result as text without evaluating it: fname = input('\n M-file con...

9 giorni fa | 0

A problem with a code that works as it is but gives an index error when is used inside a function
Based on the error message, "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 100. Error in cleaner (line 118) z...

9 giorni fa | 0

How can I write a 'for' loop that sums up all elements of a vector?
a = 1:5; total = 0; for ii = 1:numel(a) total = total+a(ii) end

9 giorni fa | 0

Iterate over struct with length>1, with multiple fields
teststruct = struct('name', {'Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve'}, 'age', {24, 45, 35}) names = {} ages = [teststruct.age] O...

10 giorni fa | 0

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How to plot RGB histogram of an image into a single 3D slice plot?
image = imread('peppers.png'); R = image(:,:,1); G = image(:,:,2); B = image(:,:,3); subplot(2,2,1); imshow(image); titl...

10 giorni fa | 2

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