Mischa Kim
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Networker, learner, educator
Professional Interests: Spacecraft dynamics and control, numerical analysis, simulation, animation
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0 Punti principali
How do I add a marker at one specific point on a plot?
You can add a marker in the following ways:Plot the point itself: hold on % to plot on the current figure plot(x_pos,y_pos,'r...
circa un anno fa | 51
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Properties of exponentials - symbolic algebra
Hi Luca, use syms x y z = simplify(exp(x)*exp(y))
quasi 4 anni fa | 0
how to make matlab functions work not starting at the first element
Hi Naufal, how about: a = [2 5 2 4 2 7 2 2 2 5 2]; pks = findpeaks(a); mypks = pks(2:end); To be able to skip the firs...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
Question about plotting graph.
Hi, how about plot(T0,y,'ro') Since this is only one single data point it is hard to see in the plot, hence I change the color...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
Problem in displaying or printing final result.
Hi Masoud, use fprintf instead. Check out the examples in the link.
circa 4 anni fa | 1
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why didn't the event function detect the events?
In your ode45 call you are not returning any event information. Replace with [tout,yout,te,ye,ie] = ode45(@Tq_Tj,tspan, y0,opti...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
Basins of attraction and Newtons Method.
One problem was in the governing equations for f. I cleaned up a bit and this works now: % Governing equations f = [-7.716*1e-...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
Empty windows in EditFields of app.designer?
ErikJon, as a workaround you could use an Edit Field (Text) instead of Edit Field (Numeric). The drawback of this workaround is ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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Getting extra parameters from ODE45 and the mystery transpose
Hi Simon, to your first question: When you assign values to dx(1), dx(2), and so on you are creating a row vector. However, you ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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How to solve the error "[t, z]= ode45(@observer, t_temp,z0)" in line 23.
dzdt seems to be a (3x2 ?) matrix. It needs to be a 3x1 vector to be consistent with the initial conditions, z0, which is also a...
circa 4 anni fa | 1
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Why am i receiving "Error:Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters."? for S(K)>0
Hi, since you do not know the number of iterations it makes more sense to use a while instead of a for loop: while S(K)>0 %as l...
circa 4 anni fa | 1
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How to count the number of different strings in a string list?
Hi, use str = {'AAA','ABB','CDE','ABB','CCR','AAA','FDR'}; numstr = numel(unique(str))
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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How to extract value at a given time in ode 45
Hi Shubham, use an events functions, see the example below. With events functions you can identify zero crossings; in your case ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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Draw a circle on matlab app designer?
Hi ErikJon, if the plot input is a matrix (e.g. your circ) "...the plot function plots the columns of the matrix (circ) versus t...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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please help me (dsolve)
Use instead syms y(t) eqn = diff(y,t,2) + 0.5*diff(y,t) + y == 3; Dy = diff(y,t); cond = [y(0) == 0.5, Dy(0) == 0]; w ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
confusing ode suits for solving discontinuous odes
Hi, this is because the integrator, ode45, adjusts the integration step size. Broadly speaking where the dynamics is more comple...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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How to Find average value for every 10 sets of a matrix
Hi Magdy, you could use something like: x = 1:1:12; % this would be your matrix A y = reshape(x,3,4) m = mean(y,1)
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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How to Use "Ask a Question" Section Correctly?
Hi Ercan, thanks for flagging this. I have seen the same behavior this morning in Chrome, other browsers seemed to work fine. I ...
circa 4 anni fa | 3
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ODE Event Location detecting events other than zero
Hi Hariharan, yes it is. You simply define a function that is equal to zero whenever your expression equals a certain value. Fo...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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How do I change the values for x-axis ?
Hi Anne-Lise, do you mean changing the tick labels? See this answer. If this does not address your question, how exactly do you ...
circa 4 anni fa | 1
Why is the resulting time-domain curve from Euler method and ode45 not stable?
Hi Ni Made Ayu Sinta Dewi, there is nothing you are doing wrong. What you are seeing is expected behavior. This is because you a...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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ode45 fail with pendulum
Hi Bobby, this is the wonderful world of numerical (vs symbolic) computation. ode45 is a numerical integrator that approximates ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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Changing Length of Pendulum while it is in motion
Dear Yan Koon Ang, this is possible. In the example you are referring to in your question you would have to make the time varia...
circa 4 anni fa | 1
I am trying to plot x and y with y being the only unknown but I don’t what is wrong in my code please help
Honore, the one thing I notice is that x and y are vectors. Rewrite the y-equation using the dot operator, .^ instead of just ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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Finding the initial conditions which give a specified event using ode45
Patrick, as Walter pointed out this is a BVP. However, you can and I personally would use ode45 and the so-called shooting meth...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
Differential equation by simulink
Double-klick on the integrator blocks and you'll see that the default initial condition is zero (0). It is also inside the integ...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
when i run the code the plot graphs appears empty here is the code please help to find the mistake i made
Seif, I believe this is what you are trying to do: %calculating velocity V3 = 10; % velocity of the piston in cm/sec %global...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
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How to change a Function by a Variable
Ercan, here you go, for the first term: syms phi x A B eq = A*sin(phi) + B*cos(phi) eq = subs(eq,sin(phi),2*x/(1+x^2))
circa 4 anni fa | 1
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How to write Newton method with exact number of iterations and see all digit ? for example if method is required to take exact 5 iterations of newton's method
Add a loop index, e.g. ii. Also, you set your code as a function. This means you can call it, e.g., from the command window usin...
circa 4 anni fa | 0
serie with two parameters
Sara, it really depends on what you are trying to achieve. For starters you could use two for loops to take care of the summatio...
circa 4 anni fa | 0