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Trying to add Minor Ticks and grid with duration data
If you want grid line and ticks both in the plot, you can prefer handling ticks direclty on the majorticks. Here is an example o...
circa 3 anni fa | 1
Replace 32767 with NaN in entire table
You can get the table in a matrix form using .Variables. Once you have a matrix, then you can use boolean to replace any numbers...
circa 3 anni fa | 1
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Create a custom legend
You can add the legend manually and set the color and marker as per your own. See the below example for your reference. x = lin...
circa 3 anni fa | 9
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Import multiple xml.files in a folder
You can use the dir command to store the file names and use for loop to read all the files. F = dir('path/*.xml') for index = ...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to plot multiple lines (with a varying slope coefficient) in the same graph?
You code is producing the same results for all iteration. You can simply use a for loop, and use hold on to plot multiple plot...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to remove ticks of right y-axis when plot two y-axes figure using yyaxis
You can simply use yticks([]) after calling the yyaxis right. This simply remove all the ticks from the right y axis. x = linsp...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1
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How to adjust x-axis in a plot?
You can use circshift to rotate your data in a circular fashion. Once you have the circular shifted data, you can just manipulat...
oltre 3 anni fa | 2
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How to store matrices in a cell from a loop?
I am taking random data to show how you can store the output in a cell array using loop. for index=1:16 output{index}=rand...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
Deforming an image without changing axis scale
You can use axis square to force image to be square. See this below example. Let us load sample image: corn_gray = imread('cor...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
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Subplot with geobasemap and boxplot
You can do it easily using subplot. subplot(1,2,1) boxplot(randi(100,1,500)); subplot(1,2,2) tsunamis = readtable('tsunam...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
Data extraction from stacked plot
Let us load random data. tbl = readtable('patients.xls'); stackedplot(tbl,{'Height','Weight','Systolic','Diastolic'}) There m...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
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Access data from a cell array
Let us create a random data. random_data_cell=arrayfun(@(x) rand(138,18), 1:10, 'uni',0); Let merge these data set in a matrix...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to subtract symbol associated matrix columnwise
You cannot simply substract these two matrices, becasue B contains integers (double), and A has strings. You need to convert B ...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
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How to use the function uigetfile?
"How can I select the file from any folder on my computer?" This is pretty simple. You need to provide the full path of the fil...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
Removing data that exceeds y limit in a plot
x=linspace(0,3*pi,200); y=cos(x); plot(x,y) You can set range while calling the plot function. This is just an example. I am ...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to change the colour of the markers on a scattered graph?
I don't think I understood your question completely. Please do attach sample data (probably in a .mat file) and your complete co...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
Loop for renamed files from a folder
You can find the unique prefixes in the filename, and then use it to generate the string of numbers to rename the file. Here is ...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
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How to display an image in 3D cordinate axes ?
It is not really a 3D image. The third dimension has the RGB values. That is why you can able to see the color image. Let's see...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
Extract Digital Numbers from Image
You can simply use ocr command to do that. Refer to this documentation for some example, which would be a good starting point fo...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to create a netcdf in matlab which can be read by grads without using descriptor file?
There are often times when MATLAB created NetCDF files are not readable in earth and atmospheric science visualization softwares...
oltre 3 anni fa | 2
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Creates the NetCDF file directly, and these NetCDF files are readbale in GrADS. Get rid of writing the long commands everytime t...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1 download |

How do I find the zero crossings for a function sinx/x against x?
Do you mean to find the x values which cooresponds to the zero in the y values? I do not think you have zero value in y variabl...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to calculate mean and standard deviation for loops?
You don't need to use loop for that. You can use cat command to concatenate, and then use mean and std functions to the matrix i...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
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How can I do this iteration?
Here is the sample code using random data a=rand(1,50); b=rand(1,50); threshold=0.5; % You need to change it to 1e-6 and use ...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How to create a geographic colormap of the world using lat lon data?
You can simply use the contour or contourf or imagesc function to do that. Let us start with the random data. temp=randi(5,50,...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1
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How can I produce equation from data set and optimize the equation
In order to produce equations for the datasets,, you can use fitnlm fucntion to do that. You will get an equation from that. Si...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
2D scatter-plot with colorbar
You can represent the no of measurements in bin as the fourth argument while calling the scatter plot. Here is the sample plot u...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1
How to display subplot with multiple image with its own x and y axes ?
You need to make xaxis visible in every subplots. Here are the lines which you need to modify. title("Foreground before and aft...
oltre 3 anni fa | 1
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How to find the point of highest concentration (plot)
There are multiple methods to select the center of the oval where density is maximum. One of the methods is just by counting the...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
How can I code a two variable function?
You can simply use for loop to iterate x and y. Refer to the below code just for your reference. You might need to make modifica...
oltre 3 anni fa | 0
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