Databricks - MATLAB & Simulink


MATLAB Interface for Databricks

Access data and deploy MATLAB and Simulink in Databricks

The MATLAB Interface for Databricks® enables you to connect to data and compute capabilities in the cloud. You can access and query big datasets remotely or deploy MATLAB code to run on a Databricks cluster.

  • Use SQL to work with data in Databricks
  • Work with Spark™ interactively in MATLAB
  • Run compiled MATLAB algorithms on Databricks
  • Share MATLAB algorithms with other Databricks users working with Python®

Access Big Data with SQL

Access cloud data sources through a Databricks cluster by connecting it to MATLAB with Database Toolbox. Manipulate data remotely and use SQL to access tabular data on Databricks. Use Apache® Spark™ SQL to query data in Spark workflows.

Use Spark with MATLAB and Simulink

Incorporate Apache Spark API commands into MATLAB algorithms using Databricks Connect. The Spark API commands execute on a Databricks cluster, including serverless clusters.

Deploy MATLAB to the Data

Use MATLAB Compiler SDK and Simulink Compiler to package your algorithms for Databricks cluster deployment using MATLAB Runtime. Deployed algorithms can run in notebooks or as on-demand and scheduled jobs. You can use these algorithms and become part of data processing pipelines.

Programmatically Interact with Databricks

The REST API enables you to programmatically interact with the Databricks environment from MATLAB, for example, to control jobs or clusters within Databricks.